When Luck Runs Out

in Hive Learners7 months ago

I have always been a firm believer in reaping what one sows because that is how life has been programmed. We have to work in order to yield results and if we want massive results, we have to work harder. Relying on luck alone as we journey through this world, is really not going to yield any result because luck is not an everyday thing. It comes when we least expect it which is why it means a lot when it comes but it's not for us to sit back and wait for luck to keep occuring. Nothing would get done that way.

Nick Fewings From Unsplash

I was in Senior High School when I found out that schools, especially my school usually helped students during their final exams and this would be done by settling the external invigilators however they demand which would enable them to get answers to the examination across to the students.

It was a shock to me because I grew up with the idea of working hard and preparing for any exam by myself without the thought of any help whatsoever in the exam hall and I was really disappointed to discover that it only encouraged students from being serious with their studies and the school had no remedy for that because their students had to have excellent results at any cost.

I really didn't know what to expect as I progressed in Senior High School but by the time I got to final year, it was introduced to us and we were told that we'd have to pay for the settling so it was included in our school fees and that was that.

This didn't help at all because students were not taking their studies seriously and teachers were not even helping because everyone knew that help was going to come whether they put in effort or not. The reverse was the case for me because I was made to study immediately I got home by my mother who told me terrifying tales of what happened to people that failed important subjects in WAEC and how she was not going to support the idea of me writing the exam a second time, so I had to put in my all.

I didn't want to fail because help may not come even though we paid for it and it would be terrible really so I studied hard as best as I could.

The exam commenced and from the very first paper there was help and it was going smoothly, everyone was happy until it got to the day we were to write Literature, that was when it was evident that no one should have solely relied on the help alone. It turned out that the wrong answers were circulated because all the literature texts were all wrong and the teachers told us to copy it that way which some students did. All I did was rely on what I had read prior to the day of the exam and I answered the questions to the best of my ability.

The same thing happened when we were writing Economics, another important subject and a lot of the answers given were wrong though some students couldn't tell the difference.

I don't know why wrong answers were circulated and I don't know if the teachers were aware that they gave out wrong answers because it seriously affected a lot of students that year because lots of students failed Literature and Economics in my school.

It only proved that luck doesn't come every time we expect it to and though we were lucky enough to get correct answers for the first several papers, it wasn't a guarantee that all the answers would be correct and that was why I had to put in effort and prepare for the exam.

 7 months ago  

It will always be better to make an effort yourself and not depend on others, if you make a mistake you know it was your fault and not someone else's, that helps you to correct yourself and to make more effort either at work or in your studies. When I study I look for different sources and I take as correct the information that makes the most sense to me.

When I read on the Internet I find a lot of nonsense and inaccurate information. I am really sorry that you have to study with books that are inaccurate in their content!

 7 months ago  

You hit the nail on the head quite well.
I'm glad that I didn't depend on the help I'd get during the exam for my success, if not it'd have been a different game altogether.

Thank you so much for your feedback.