Creative Sunday: Simple Tricks To Growing A beautiful and Less stressful Natural Hair

in Hive Learners • 8 months ago (edited)

Hey guys🤗 it's Sunday and it not just an ordinary Sunday but a creative one at that. It's my first Participation for creative Sunday and I wanted to make something unique out of it but then my phone has failed me a lot. I would still go on nevertheless.

I am a Natural hair Queen, 4c specifically.These sets of hair are really common between the blacks that's why it's known as black hair type. This hair type has the tightest curls most times elastic ringing from fine to coarse.


This particular hair type requires a lot of attention, care, because they are soft and delicate by nature. It tangles and dries a lot if exposed to air but then to keep it in place we have some special techniques which could gift you healthy and less stressful hair.

I'll tell you I was among the category of the dry, stubborn and difficult set of hair. I would go on and on ranting and cry about how difficult my hair is but then I loved it because it was full elastic and healthy. If you are among these categories, shift your chairs closer. Let me show you a few tricks that are helping me these days.

Avocado Mask.

Avocado Mask has helped me a lot in conditioning , darkening and keeping my hair full, bouncing and healthy. It is a very Good Conditioner for 4c type of Natural Hair.
You could make and Apply the mask on your hair using the following procedures:



Olive Oil.




In a clean bowl, turn your avocado and Mash Properly, then go in with your egg and lastly the Olive oil and then Mix these properly.



After it might have formed a beautiful paste, partition your hair into sections.

Apply the Avocado Mask and Gentle massage, wearing it Back.

Repeat these process for the whole partitions and comb out Thoroughly

Cover this With your shower cap and tie it to prevent moisture from penetrating. You could keep up to 30 mins to one hour then Wash it Out and apply your oil and comb out.✅✅

Now be consistent with this process to see Improved result on your hair.


As a slay Queen and elegant lady, you wouldn't love to rock african threading but then I do this a lot, that is why I choose beautiful styles for it.

I love threading because it stretches my Natural hair and makes it very light and easy to comb Through.


I hope you are aware that you hair doesn't really require much heat to stay healthy. Too much heat from the blow dryer and the stretcher weakens and breaks the hair Overtime. Instead of putting my hair at risk I prefer doing the threading method few days before making my hair so that it is easy to comb, light and easy to style.


I hope these two methods work effectively on your hair because I can proudly testify that it has done good to my hair

Happy Sunday, how was Church?
I just say Mek I drop update!!!!


Beautiful steps and amazing result, thank you I will try your stuff someday.