The Impact of Unregulated Birth Rates on Nigeria’s Development: A Call for Population Control Policies

in Hive Learners25 days ago

We've come to see many countries that regulate the number of kids a family can have, and in their opinion, that helps the family cut costs as well as make it possible for the resources of the family or nation to go to everyone without leaving anyone behind. It's also seen as a way to regulate the population of a nation; however, not all governments do these things, because in some countries you'll see a single family having as many as eight or more children, and today I'll love to share my take on this as well as the way the government of my country takes it.

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My country, Nigeria, is an example of the later part of the set of countries I'm talking about, and that's because our government doesn't care about the number of children a family bears. Regardless of whether you have one child or 13, the government is less concerned about it, and personally, I don't think that's ideal, because come to look at it, you'll see families that are struggling and don't have enough resources to cater for one child, yet such families have as many as eight or more children.

In my opinion, that's ridiculous because children in such families are mostly malnourished and left to struggle for themselves, and most of them end up becoming a menace to society, as they'll easily fall prey to anyone who's offering them a few goodies, such as money or food, and whatever such an individual asks them to do, they'll do because they see such a savior.

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So, as I was saying, personally, I don't buy the ideal of giving birth to many children at will. Even if a family has the capacity to cater for as many children as possible, I believe having just two children is okay and at most three; anything more than that is just excessive and overboard, in my opinion.

For a country like mine that has high levels of unemployment, poor infrastructure, and inadequate medical facilities with fewer workers, the best thing to do is find ways to curb the population of the country so that the little resources we've got will go to everyone, but the reverse is the case because most people are just giving birth at will, which leads to an overpopulation and inadequate resources for everyone.

The thing is that on a normal day and in a country where the government means well for the nation, such a change would impact a lot of things, help curb the high rise in the population, and make the resources go around to everyone much better than they were before the policy was set up. However, in my country, where the government doesn't seem like they're interested in improving the quality of life and the resources available, this might not make any changes.

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So left for me I won't see it as a bad idea if today the government decides to regulate the amount of childbirth per family, because even though nations like Korea and Japan do this despite having so many resources, it helps conserve the nation's resources and also increases the quality of life in a country. It will also help influence the decisions of nonchalant parents who just give birth at will without considering how they'll take care of those children.

But on a normal day and in a forward-thinking nation, it'll change a lot, and I will make the nation much more conducive for everyone and make resources available for everyone, and the government can crease that opportunity to develop the nation's infrastructure and other aspects without risking affecting citizens.

Also, it'll reduce the workload on different civil servants and workers, such as hospitals, teachers, bankers, and the like. The fewer the citizens, the lesser the work, and the more tolerating your work will become, making your job more comfortable without getting draining or exhausted like you did in the past.

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For instance, as a teacher, I currently teach at least 500 students on a daily basis, having to speak at the top of my voice, move from one classroom to another, make notes, and cross-check their mistakes. All of these are usually overwhelming and can drain a teacher, but in a situation where the birth rate is regulated, it'll reduce the population of students. The same will happen to hospitals, banks, and other sectors.

That's about it for now. Thanks so much for your time. I hope you enjoyed the read and learned about my opinion. Do share yours in the comment section. Have a wonderful day ahead, and stay blessed.

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 25 days ago  

The government doesn’t care about us . They only care about making their families comfortable.

Looking at the pressure on so many African countries I think it is best they implement a policy to regulate the number of births per family. But they won’t.

 25 days ago  

Yea that's our sad reality, they need to do it for the betterment of everyone, and that would even make their little impact become more effective and recognised than it's presently.

 25 days ago  

That’s true. But will they do it? That’s the question

Yeehaw! Your perspective sure got grit like a cowboy on a cattle drive. Stay mighty in sharing your views, partner.

 25 days ago  

Smile, thanks for your feedback and compliment.

Ride on, partner. Your words are like a fresh breeze at sunrise - keep spreading that positivity! 🌅🤠

 25 days ago  

Nigeria very need this law people people are becoming something else, the rate of inflation and people are still making dozen of babies, sometimes It ignorance and I think government should educate the masses

 25 days ago  

Yea there's a need for education and as well policy implemented to make it a law and force people do desist from giving birth more than two or three children.

 25 days ago  

The realities depend from country to country but in my view everything has to do with good family planning before having children, we must first organize everything so that they are not lacking anything when they are born and we must be aware of whether we have the financial and structural conditions to be able to have If you have a child, everything must be well planned and thought out.

 25 days ago  

Yea it all goes back to family, however most families don't consider all what you listed and that's why government should set a policy that limits the maximum number of children a family can have.

 25 days ago  

Yes, many times, when people are unable to understand this, it is necessary for governments to intervene for the good of all.

I understand how over population can affect our present days in Nigeria because most of all this fathers and mothers started from early pregnancy and there was no advice on birth control given to anyone during those time. Children burning children, having low or no knowledge on how faustrating the economy can be.

I believe there is a solution to this and that is the work of government and the NGO to create awareness on the importance of birth control and how this over populated Children that are becoming menace to the society, how they can also help to function in the Society. Today I wrote a post about Life of Bee, every bee work on different task to achieve a particular goal which is to protect the queen and provide food. This Children I believe if there are well thought and put into places they can function perfectly. Not everyone need to go to schools. Although reading and writing is important but they need to be taught that there are several ways they can be useful to the society.

 25 days ago  

Indeed a need for awareness needs to be created, although I don't think that would make much difference like a well layed down policies put into law on that matter, and I said these because I've many People around me who have been educated on family planning on several occasions and yet they keep impregnating one another and having as many has 8,9 children.

Like you stated In your post, Indeed every bee has a purpose and same can be replicated in our world, for the betterment of the future of this young ones, however going forward curbing overpopulation going forward goes a long way in nation building and development.

😂 This is very Funny, 8,9,10 that’s too much for a struggling family.

Regardless of anything, we must still find a way or an opportunity to settle this over population so the negative outcome may not affect us.

Thank You Sir For the Wonderful Reply sir 😊