My flowers selection for today

in Always a Flower24 days ago

According many new studies, plants and flowers have a positive effect on their surroundings. They have a relaxing and stimulating effect on us and make us more optimistic and happier. I'm always happy when I get flowers too. Like here the last one in a pot, colorfully cut flowers I liked also.










Thanks for your visit, have a beautiful day!


Love these flowers! Give me the red or pink ones!

Among the pictures you also have Lilac (Syringa vulgaris). Its flowers are also used in white (positive) magic

Love: Lilac is used to attract love, strengthen existing relationships and awaken passion. Dried flowers are added to love magic potions and sachets, worn as amulets or burned as incense.

Protection: Lilac is used to protect against evil spirits and negative energy. The dried flowers are placed in the house to ward off evil and worn as amulets for protection when traveling.

Luck: Lilac is used to invoke luck and abundance. Dried flowers are added to magic potions and good luck bags, worn as amulets or burned as incense.

Wow nice, thank you very much!