Ich biete einen Task/I offer a task: , Expense: 60 Minutes, Reward: 30 Hive, Topic: Curation

in Hive Marketing5 months ago

Hallo, Hello (english see below),

Ich suche jemanden, der die Hive Community durchsucht und Beiträge findet, wo Menschen anderen Menschen etwas Gutes tun.




Number of Employees






Effort best guess

60 Minutes

Kind Of Work



Du solltest in der Lage sein:
- Blogeinträge in Hive zu finden und dort einen Kommentar schreiben zu können.
- zu erkennen, welche Personen altruistisch gehandelt haben.
- zu erkennen, welche Personen versuchen zu betrügen.


empathy, reading

My Profile



30 Hive


Autoren, die darüber berichten, wie sie die Welt ein Stück verbessert haben, sollen mit einem "!CHARY" im Kommentar markiert werden. Ich finde diese Artikel dann mit einem Script und Spende, wenn es auch meinen Kriterien entspricht, etwas Geld an diese Personen.
Es geht dabei um unentdeckte Menschenhelfer. Demnach gehören Autoren, die schon über offizielle Hive Programme wie "Clean the Planet" abgedeckt sind, nicht zu der Zielgruppe.
D.h. die Aufgabe besteht nun darin, ca. 3 charitative Artikel innerhalb des vorgegebenen Zeitraums zu finden und zu markieren. Ich überprüfe dann das Ergebnis überweise dann das Geld im Gutfall an den Auftragnehmer.


curation, charity, donation, anobel

Die Regeln

Mit Bitte um Rückantwort hier in den Kommentaren. Ich warte dort bis zum 31.1.2024. Erst dann kommt es gegebenenfalls zur Einigung und wird dann der Auftragnehmer benannt. Nach dem Taskende wird das Gehalt innerhalb einer Woche ausgezahlt.

Achim Mertens

-------------- English ------------------------


I'm looking for someone to search the Hive community and find posts where people do good things for other people.



Task offer

Number of Employees






Effort best guess

60 Minutes

Kind Of Work



You should be able to:

  • Find blog entries in Hive and be able to write a comment there.
  • to recognize which people have acted altruistically.
  • identify which people are trying to cheat.

Skill tags

empathy, reading

My Profile



30 Hive


Authors who report on how they have made the world a better place should be marked with a "!CHARY" in the comment. I then find these articles with a script and, if it also meets my criteria, donate some money to these people.
It's about undiscovered human helpers. Accordingly, authors who are already covered by official Hive programs such as “Clean the Planet” are not part of the target group.
This means that the task now is to find and mark around 3 charitable items within the given period of time. I then check the result and, if successful, transfer the money to the contractor.

Job Tags

curation, charity, donation, anobel

The Rules

Please respond here in the comments. I'll wait there until January 31, 2024. Only then, if necessary, an agreement is reached and the contractor is then named. After the task ends, the salary will be paid within a week.

Achim Mertens


Interessantes Konzept!

Danke. Es ist ein Testballon. Wenn es klappt ist es ausbaufähig - bis hin zu einem richtigen Marktplatz.

Coole Idee, aber ohne was vorweg zu greifen. Um wem zu finden, der was wirklich gutes für alle tut ist nicht schwer, da muss man nur auf den Blog von @elkezaksek schauen. 👍

Hi @dotwin1981, genau sie ist mein großes Vorbild. Ich suche weitere Menschen wie sie. Es muss ja nicht in dem Maßstab sein. Aber das ist Aufwendig und dafür suche ich jemanden, der mir diese Arbeit (einmalig) abnimmt.

I’m always active so I’d give this a shot!

Hi @razfat, you mean, you would do this job?
If yes, then I would give this task to you.
Please give me a "Yes, i do it".

The fist person, that answers this gets a "!CONTRACT: employeename" and this person then shall start the work.

I would have loved to the the work but I don't really understand the job description

Hi @emreal, thank you for the feedback.
Let me try to explain it in other words and more detail:
You are going to read articles/blogs/posts from people here in the Hive world. You are going to search for people, who support charity projects and write about it.
It would be a good idea, to search for words like "Help" or "Donation",... to reduce the amount of posts.
I am looking for these charity supporters because I want to support them. As soon as you find such a blog, you reply to it with the comment "!CHARY". This buzzword will be found by one of my scripts and therefore I can support these charity supporters.
Here is an example: https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@elkezaksek/news-about-our-fundraiser-for-uganda-neuigkeiten-unserer-spendenaktion-fuer-uganda-206
Your job is to search as many of these blogs and authors as you can in around about 60 Minutes of concentrated work. Please give me about 3-5 Blog-links, where you think, they might fit my search criteria.
If you want to take this job, please reply with "Yes, I want to do it." After that, I give you a confirmation and then you can start. You have about one week time to do it. Then I check the results and pay you out.
Is this clear/ok for you now? Do you have other questions?

This is very clear.

Yes I want to do it

!CONTRACT: @emreal
Congratulations, the job is yours!
Thank you very much!
You can start now if you want. The timeline is until 2024-02-07.
Good luck!

Good day sir @achimmertens, here is another link. The post is about two months old, but i have gone through the person's blog and i discovered he has been active on hive, so reaching him might not be that difficult


Hi @emreal, you are the right man on the right place!!! This is exactly what I was looking for!
You have deserverd your reward!

Thank you so much @achimmertens I have seen the reward. That's huge, thanks once again🥰🥰

Thank you sir🥰🥰

Please use the word "!CHARY" and not "!CHARRY", otherwise my search algorithm doesn't find it.

Okay... Let me edit it

I'll get more later

Here is another post, though it is a month old.


I wanted to get more detail, how old should the posts be?

Hi @emreal, thank you so far. Both links are a 100% hit! This is what I am looking for (even if I already know elkezagsek).
The posts should be "new", but it doesn't matter if they are a few weeks old. It's more about finding these people than their latest posts.
Great, I'm very satisfied so far.

Good day sir. Thanks for the feed back, I'll get more today.. how are you and your family?

I am still working on it.. brought this ones for you to check them out

Thank you sir🥰

hi achim
I dont mind having a go at this!

Hi @basilmarples,
If you want to do, please give me a "Yes, i do it".
The fist person, that answers this gets a "!CONTRACT: employeename" and this person then shall start the work.

ah I was too late. Im glad someone is doing the job! great initiative

Thank You @basilmarples!
btw. Didn't we talk a few years ago? You are from Australia, aren't you?

yes we did, we were thinking about creating a charity application!
Im from the uk actually but its not unusual for people to mistake my accent for australian

Hi @emreal,
I think, your 60 minutes are done ;-)
I have sent you 40 Hive, because you did more than a great job!!!


You found 8 different links and people, that work on charity projects. Much more than I expected.
You also showed, that this job offer has worked. I hope I can inspire other people also to create job offers.
The next step for me is to create a report about these charity helpers and to find some ways to support them.
For me personally, it is a big success story - that I can tell my colleagues and make some advertising to join Hive.
So thank you very very much!

If you find in the future more posts like you did, you are still allowed to mark them with a !CHARY.
I have send you 10000 staked CHARY. This coin is more or less worthless, but with this I have marked you as a charity-curator, which helps me to find goodhearted and trustworthy people like you.

God bless you!


Wow!! I feel so honored sir, thanks for giving me an opportunity to partake in the project. It's such a great privilege. I will do just as you requested, if i come across more posts, i will definitely notify you.Thanks for the rewards, I am very grateful ❣️❣️🙏

btw. Which country do you come from? Do you have a family?
I come from Germany, I have a wive and three kids, all of them are adult now.

I am from Nigeria, I don't have a family yet. I am still a young man. Heheh😁😁

Wow!! How is your wife and children?

My wife is a great woman. I really love her, even after being married for more than 25 years ;-)
My oldest daughter has left the house and lives now with her boyfriend. My other daughter and son live in our house still. They are also great people.
Germany is so different then Nigeria. We stay > 90% of the daytime in our houses, because of the bad weather in the winter season. It's cold and windy outside.
Nevertheless I go for a walk together with my wife now ;-)

Wow!! Such a big, happy family. I would love to meet your family someday. How is the weather down there today?

Well, I am a young man, 25 years old, still living with my parents. It's a polygamous family, I have a lot of siblings hehe. Some married, some still in the house with us. The weather down here is normal, though we are currently experiencing dry season.

It is raining for the next three days. It's 9°C, which is "warm" for this season. So we have to heat our houses.
In the next days, we celebrate "Karneval" which is a huge fest in our streets, despite the ugly weather. I think I am gonna post about it. Greetings to your family!


Was riecht besser als es schmeckt?
Eine Nase.

Credit: vasupi
@achimmertens, ich habe dir im Namen von @thehockeyfan-at einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.
