How do you use your Hive Power?

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

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I struggled to write down the question of today. Please make sure to watch the video to understand the question:

How do you use your hive power to distribute your part of the reward pool? (check the video for a better understanding of the question)

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I am just going to continue letting it grow slowly while I enjoy myself here reading on this blog. :)

Once you have at least 200 HP, you definitely need to use your hp otherwise you miss out your curation rewards.

Don't ignore the power of HivePower and upvoting... Even if your upvote is 0.001, it is still an upvote and shows your appreciation for the content that you consume...

Have a great weekend! Cheers!

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It is 100% self curation for me. I'll whittle it down to almost exactly 80% before repeating it again like clockwork the next day at almost 100% fully charged.

That's a nice way of doing.

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 2 months ago  

At the moment I am not delegating Hive Power, I use one hundred percent to vote posts, when I have more HP I am thinking of delegating a percentage to good projects.


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 last month  




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It's good to keep enough hive power so that our vote is above the dust level.

I currently delegate around 75% to 80% to other curation projects. (liotes, leo, pakistan, hive-br)

As for the remaining hp, I leave it to upvote for trail curation and manual curation

It's nice to see that you delegate to several projects. Like that you can help spread the curation.

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I used to push a lot to leo voter but now that I'm at my target it's mainly about stacking the hive and then also providing liquidity now for things within Beeswap.

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Excellent topic! I believe that HP is a mirror of what a person is and supports in hive. HP is very important and should not be delegated to just anyone!

Currently, I delegate about 80% to projects like hivebr, leo and liotes. The rest I leave to manual votes, but since I don't have much time to be present on hive, I'm following the path of Hivebr.

It really comes down to how much time we have at our disposition for curation.

This is true! When we don't have that much time to vote on other posts, we either delegate or follow a trail. I prefer to delegate to good projects, because I know that my HP will be used for votes on quality posts!

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 2 months ago  

How do you use your hive power to distribute your part of the reward pool? (check the video for a better understanding of the question)

Yeah, I need to watch it to understand what you want to ask 🤣. !LOL

90% Delegated to a project that gives me a return (liotes and alive)
10% for curation and activities divided into:

  • Following some curation trail
  • Upvotes some interesting posts that I found
  • Hive transactions

You delegate a big chunk to liotes. It's great and I believe it allows you to grow your account even faster than if you curated yourself. Knowing that we do quite a nice manual curation with ourpick, I believe it's a good choice :-)

 2 months ago  

Nice to hear that 👍

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I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

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I am curating manually mostly unless my RC gets too high, then it follows the liotes curation trail!

I have some delegations for around 15% of my HP for projects that I like. I want to grow my HP so that this will be under 10%.

I am curating manually mostly unless my RC gets too high, then it follows the liotes curation trail!

I'm doing the same. I think that the ourpick curation project is doing a great job and it's a nice way to support it.

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20% for curation, 80% for delegation... although most of the time the ratio shifts frequently

why more on delegation? because I only vote what I read... I sometime don't have enough time to read more so I only vote a few small groups of people. On the other hands, maybe the exact reasons, is because I believe someone else can do a lot better job with those HP I lend/delegate to them. Or maybe they really need that HP more than me, to make them able to get result / incomes that support some real life.

I believe it's our choice to do with the HP what we want. If we don't like curating, it can make sense to delegate. But we also delegate our power on the chain and we shouldn't forget about that :-)

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I curate manually so most of my HP is used to upvote other people's content and comments. Some were delegated to other projects/communities. When I go offline most of the day, I set and follow a few curation trails so my VP is not wasted.

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Thank you once again :)

That's a very good solution I believe and it doesn't require you to be online every single day.

I manually select what I like and don't pay too much attention to the power level. I have some small delegation but nothing important. This is not a topic that obsesses me, I suppose because I have little voting power.

With little voting power, it's a subject that is rather important because if we spread it too much, we won't generate any curation rewards with our votes. It's a balance to keep in mind :-)

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I've got about 35-40% delegated and the rest I use for curating each day. My delegation number changes occasionally based on what I might want to support, but it usually stays around that number.

It makes sense to delegate some of our hive power if we have a big stake.

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I have over 1k HP, around 50+ is delegated. The rest I'm using to curate posts I like. I follow some curators and I also curate manually.

It's important to curate with a minimal amount of Hive power in order to avoid risking falling below the dust level.

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I have set myself to never delegate more than 25 percent of my Hive Power because I want to have the most HP to support other authors.
As for curation I mix automatic votes and manual votes

I have a very similar approach.

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I generally delegate 20-25% of my HP and the rest I use for curation. I have almost 60k HP and 13k is delegated to some projects and the rest is used for curating authors. Most of the time this ration remains in this range.

I would say that this is an interesting distribution.

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I delegate a small part of my HP to some projects and the rest I use to make curation manuals.

Cool, this seems like the most favoured solution :-)

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At the moment I have almost all my HP delegated, in this case exactly 80.66%, but I have around 1.1k to return. My idea is to leave a maximum of 70% delegated and leave the other 30% for healing, as I have some goals in mind that I need to accumulate something, I need to delegate so I don't get left behind.

Even so, I'm constantly revising, so anything can change at any time.


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When delegating a lot of hive power, we run the risk that our own votes don't carry much value anymore and therefore we might lose the curation rewards of that share. So it's a delicate balance.

It's a point that I'm thinking about nonstop, I'm going to wait for this 1.1k to come back and review my next objectives so I don't end up with such low HP and not get the healing return. Thanks for giving me this tip.

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I delegate some HP to this project for ranking 🤷‍♂ Not much else really, other than manual upvotes on posts.

It's nice to see that the ranking is an incentive for delegating :-)

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Most of my HP is now delegated to some of the projects that I like. while the rest stayed with me so that I still could do some manual curation, but the Voting power got drained quite fast since I wanted to also have some impact on those I voted. I wish to grow more so that I can distribute more power on the project and those I voted.

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That's a good point. If we delegate too much, our vote value tends to get too low and our manual votes aren't worth anything anymore.

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That's my HP right now (Ecency wallet):

I'm using all three methods you mention:

  • about 10K of HP is delegated (Ecency and Liotes included)
  • the rest, about 10K or circa 50% of HP, is used for manual curation and some trails - Liotes, LMAC, and ShadowHunters.

and that's it.

With that amount of hive power, it makes sense to delegate a part of it and I believe that both projects are doing a rather good job of curating ;-)

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I try to maintain 80% for my curation, but lately, it is getting difficult, there are projects that I want to help with and also some others that provide tokens which the project attracts me. So currently I am around 50% - 50% but with my power-ups + posting rewards I will try my best to achieve 80% for curation use purely.

I believe it's important that we don't delegate too much HP out so that our votes still carry enough value in order not to drop below dust level.

good thought! It is crazy to see people with 10k plus HP and with a vote of dust hehe!

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I am delegating HP to Ecency and they pay me back in Hive and Ecency points. I upvote as many things as I can.

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I delegate to Liotes and Pimp because they are two projects that I like. But above all I do manual curation of what I like. I also try to support my SORT token so that it continues to grow.

When owning our own tokens, it makes sense to try to support them in whathever fashion possible.

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For me, so far it is 100% curation. I am looking to delegate out some HP to support some projects.

It's good to curate as much as possible yourself. I would advise only to people that have a consistant stake to delegate HP out in order to avoid that our uvpotes don't manage to go above the dust level.

Thanks for the sound advise! Indeed should not let it go to dust.

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I use all the methods you described, plus voting on governance.

Regarding the breakdowns, I keep the majority of my HP at my disposal instead of delegated out for other reasons.

Between auto and manual, it's hard to say. I try to manually curate daily both authors and commenters on my posts, but I don't go the extra mile to search for additional content besides my routine, if my voting mana is still above 80%. Whatever if left or when there are long periods without me voting on anyone, curation trails kick in (I don't autovote on anyone in particular, but there are authors I upvote quite regularly myself). Right now, autovoting kicks in when mana goes above 95% (if the respective curators I follow start curating, that's why I don't use something like 98 or 99%).

By the way, Achim (or Zoltan), what's the easiest way to see a breakdown of our last 7 days voting distribution? I haven't checked mine in a good while, and I think I need to, from time to time. I don't seem to remember a tool that does that (not on a post level, but in general).

One way is through peakd. There you can see the graphical distribution of your votes according to a certain time frame. I wonder whether there is a more precise way however.


Thanks, man! I should've known about it, but haven't looked at PeakD analytics in a pretty long time.

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I delegate about the 15% of my HP and use the rest to make manual curation. It’s great to support authors that I like directly!

It's great that you do manual curation. It's time consuming but I think it's also rewarding to upvote the authors that you really like.

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Thank you! 🙏

I utilize my hp myself through curation.
I am convinced that growing that stack, will help me growing my account and thus (in the long run) my hp stack...

The more HP you own, the more you will earn and the more your influence on the chain will grow...

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I have delegated HP to few projects like inleo, ecency, liotes and few more.
The balance, i use for curation, mostly via curation trails and some manual when i have lots of time :-)


 2 months ago  

@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ imfarhad. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Using a combination of all three ways, seems to be quite popular :-)

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I curate on my own using my voting power but I do have a few curation trials that I do follow when my Voting Power is above 96%. Personally, one of my goals has always been getting a 5% vote above the dust threshold and I don't really have plans to delegate out my HP before that.

That's a very good point. If your upvote is smaller than the dust level, then it's a lost upvote. I also pay attention to that.

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I went through all the methods you mentioned; delegating, following curation trail, and curating manually with my tiny HP. Currently, as I have time, I am trying to curate content manually and to distribute my part of the rewards to the content creators.

When I will have no time to curate, I will delegate my HP, like I did many times before, for a temporary basis.


I think that it's a good way of doing. It definitely depends on the time that we have available.

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I know it's wild but I do all the above and probably a little more.

  • curation trails help build my HP when I'm not as active
  • I delegate some HP to keep liquid HP coming to my account when I'm not actively posting as much
  • I'm in a curation group that helps me promote my posts and earn some extra HP

All of these help my account but also benefit the other participants. I kind of like how this operates as is. I say it's pretty decentralized in my opinion.

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 2 months ago  

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