What type of content do you like?

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

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Today's question was inspired by a suggestion by @tengolotodo in the Liotes Discord Channel. He will get 3 credits for his suggestion.

The question of today:

What type of content to you like to create? And what type of content do you like to consume? (threads, short posts, long posts, videos, podcasts, series of images, others)

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Please write your answer as a comment below this post.

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I like medium and long posts, but mostly I like photography since I also post more about photography. : ) But anything that I find interesting will be good to consume as well.
I wish to be able to make other types of content in the future.

And what kind of content to like to consume?

ah I forgot about that part. !LOLZ
same as my type of content, mostly photography, but anything interesting will be the things that I will consume. !PIZZA

I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to stop going to those places.

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I myself create mostly short forms, 300-400 words. I try to write 1 longform post 1000+ words once a week, although the last weeks I failed on that.
The reason I usually create short form content is that it's easily done on mobile. Writing a long post with several images and good layout is a bit harder on mobile.

In terms of consuming info, I prefer longposts though. More information with decent arguments / explanation. I like to learn by reading!

Great question!

I like to learn by reading!

That's a good point. I believe that some people rather want to be entertained and others rather want to learn something.

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I have not written much in the way of content lately and I read various types (whatever catches my fancy at the time).


So you could say that you are rather a content consumer than a content producer here on Hive and we need consumer as much as we need creators!

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Here on Hive, I prefer to create and consume content with text and photos, sharing about life, a bit of everything. Generally, I tend to consume more content from reels on Instagram.

It would be great to have something like reels here on Hive :-)

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In my case I prefer write not long posts about gardening, traveling (ohh how long I didn't published them...) Of course about Splinterlands. Sometimes I can publish post when I need to fix some points like it was with my goals for current year. Or to have tutorial under my hands.
I prefer to read not long posts about traveling, technology/education, gardening, art and even cooking.
But of to talk about some tutorials I think they should be detail and even may be published on 3speak

Seems you like to learn while you consume content ;-)

Sometimes it's really so 😉

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My personal favourite is when people just talk about their daily lives in their own countries with accompanying photos/videos or course. It gives me an insight into life elsewhere.

I also like this type of posts. It's like an open door to another persons life.

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Thanks for the credits in advance and I am enjoying the answers. When I put the question down I thought it would apply to all social media however I have decided that on Hive I like to produce and consume long form content such as posts.
I realised that I prefer to produce short form content off hive. To be honest the UI are better off Hive. So yes blogs I like to write and read, especially my photo posts.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion for this mission :-)

You are so very welcome!

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Fantastic, thank you!

I like to create a wide variety of content, from Splinterlands to random stuff about my life and reflections. I also like to read a wide variety of content, from Splinterlands to random stuff including photos of different places in the world.

The question was more related to the form of the content (short, long, thread, photo, video)

Ah I am more comfortable with short and long. :)

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I like to read and write medium to long format content. If they contain photographs captured by the author, better.

As for the topics, the ones I like the most are the reflections and experiences, in addition to the photography content.

I agree that having nice pics within a post adds a lot of value to it.

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 2 months ago  

Any type of post is okay as long as it's about food or nature. I like to do that kind of post when I'm not busy with my work too 😊.


Food or Nature,... Interesting ;-)

 2 months ago  

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Most of my content is focused on sharing stories about my adventures, but I have written many lately.

Ok, thanks

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I think that on the profile you will see a little bit of everything, I like to make different content that is about games, reflection and even photos.

I like to consume a variety of content too, but topics about economics and technology have increasingly gained my attention.

The question was rather about the form of the content (short, long, videos,...) but thanks for sharing!

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I like short form contents as they do not take too long to read and just easier to do so when engaging while on mobile phone which I usually am on. Love gaming posts and lifestyle content! 😊

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Thank you! 😊

On the phone it's definitely easier to consume short form content :-)

Yeah definitely! 😊

I really like to see the texts that the people at Hive Leaners create for the challenges that they promote and I also keep an eye on those that are related to games or technology, I really like these areas.

Thanks for sharing!

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why there is no shit post in there? LoL

anyway shitpost itself has too vast of definition. What I mean with shitpost is that any post which won't consume me more than 5 minutes on that.

most of the time, I appreciate more on 100-200 words posts or just a giveaway with good prize, rather than 1000-2000 words but the author is just shitting there making wonderful words and talk in circle without any concrete meaning nor value.

What I mean with shitpost is that any post which won't consume me more than 5 minutes on that.

That's not how I would define shitposts because such short posts can bring a lot of value :-)

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I like to produce content about games and sometimes I venture to do it about some of the things in my routine. I like to consume content related to games and I've become increasingly fond of content about finance.

Thanks for sharing!

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Medium posts, with content/images, varied subjects, but that make me read and experience the texts

Images are definitely important.

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The majority of the posts I make at the moment are about the games I play. Aside from that, I write reviews for films that I've seen. The focus remains on game-related content.

The posts that I like are usually about other people's life experiences, technology tutorials, and, of course, games that are popular and profitable.

Thanks for sharing!

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Mostly short form content (musings, random stuff, real-life happenings etc). I love to read posts with series of photos😉

It seems that people like to have images within a text :-)

It seems so :)

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 2 months ago  

I love to create inspiring and useful content for my followers.
I like to mix posts with images to keep their interest.
When it comes to consumption, I love posts that have some positive thought 😊.


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 2 months ago  

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I love posts that have some positive thought

I like that too. Reading such posts give positive vibes that are helpful to be positive ourselves :-)

I like short posts about travel, gardening or games.

Ok, thanks!

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I mostly write about Splinterlands since I play the game daily. Recently I have dabbled in different stuffs like book and movie reviews, crypto and other hobbies. Going forward, I would like to broaden my writings like travel and life.

It can be nice to broaden the range of our content but it can also be something that our readers don't appreciate too much. It's important to find a good middle way or maybe even use several accounts when the topics are too different.

Oh yes, I use a different one for chess related content.

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I prefer to create long form content (around 500 words or more) but I also create a shorter form content (Actifit report). The actifit report is more of a summary of my day and I don't really bother too much with that.

As for the content that I consume, I prefer long form content. I tend to prefer gaming or finance related posts.

I think that consuming long form content is more rewarding in terms of what we can learn from them.

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Medium length posts/series personally.

Ok, thanks

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The content that I like to read the most has to do with nature. I also like to read about Defi.

Thanks for sharing!

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There are so many different genres that I love to read in Hive. I like to read long-form content, but only if it's on a topic that interests me. The videos are quite fun to watch. Some Hivers do a really good job with this, for example @anggreklestari who posts recipe or casual videos and they are very cool.

Videos can be great ways to share a story, if they are done well, it's a pleasure to watch them :-)

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I create mostly long form content (posts) and I prefer to consume the same type of content, with the caveat that I also consume videos and live stream recordings equally, or sometimes more (but they are also in the medium to long form category, not something like 30 seconds or even 1-2 minutes clips).

I also struggle with short content. On hive, I tend to want to learn something, not be entertained and learning is difficult when the content is too short :-)

I'm ok with entertainment, but generally, I'm in the same boat as you. I use Hive to learn or get informed about the ecosystem, and less for entertainment. I guess we can call games our entertainment, but maybe not as much lately...

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I don't have a particular one in mind right now. But post based on a prompt surrounding Liotes will be good.

Ok, thanks!

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Every little bit. If I only wrote short posts, I would probably use waves or Threads. I like to have somewhere around 300-400 words and a few pictures. Well, when I write about beer I try a bit harder :). If I post music videos, then only briefly.
I consume everything I find interesting, but I get annoyed by posts that have a lot of the same or very similar pictures.

I get annoyed by posts that have a lot of the same or very similar pictures.

I like when there are pics within a post but I agree that if it's more or less the same pics, then it's not really interesting.

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I 'd like to see more photos like instagram. :)

liketu is a nice place for that.

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