Kirov (Vyatka) is the birthplace of the Kikimora

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

This is a post to go with #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.
Last Saturday, when I was driving home, a metal spike flew into the windshield of the my car from the wheel of the car in front. At first, I didn't even realize that it hit the glass, I heard a knock on the body of the car and thought it was good that it wasn't glass. But after 5 minutes I saw that there was a crack in the glass. Can I write down the bad words that I said at that moment?
Today at 17:00 I gave the car to the car repair shop and went for a walk around the city. I have an hour. Where will I go? First, I went down Liberty Street and decided to take a picture of this house. People live in it, these are young families. They specifically purchased apartments in this building with the hope that the city administration would demolish the house and provide them with new apartments in the new building.

Ugly trees again. Why did someone in the city administration decide that the trees should be like this? I don't think they're pruning trees in their garden like that. You cretins! My indignation knows no bounds against these morons.

Beauty. I'm just kidding.
At that moment, I realized that I was going for a walk on the embankment. It's time to take a walk along the waterfront. But I also realized that I didn't take the camera. So I'm going to shoot everything on an iPhone XR

Such mobile shopping stalls began to appear on the streets of our city at the end of the last century in large numbers. They could be found at every intersection. Currently, they are very rare and mainly sell fruits, vegetables, and berries. It seems to me that this stall has already taken root in this place.

Where's the ice? The ice has disappeared. There was still ice on the river on Monday. Next week, the water level will rise and the opposite shore will disappear underwater and there will be a lot of water there almost until the end of May.

Meet friends, this is the Vyatka Kikimora. It is believed that these creatures live in forests and swamps. A few years ago, the city Administration decided to make the kikimora a symbol of the city and thus attract tourists to the city. The Snow Maiden lives in Kostroma, Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug, and Kikimores live in our city. 7 small kikimores were placed around the city. Today I met 3. I also know the location of the fourth kikimora.

I just noticed that every kikimora has a partner, a frog friend. This is because the kikimora's favorite habitat is a swamp, not a city.

Well, friends, the car mechanic has already called me and I can go pick up the car.

Friends, goodbye! Until the next walk.


Well. I wish all my friends, observers, and readers wonderful walks on Wednesdays. And also on Sundays and any other day!


Thanks for reading...

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[//]:# (!pinmapple 58.60671 lat 49.68900 long Kirov (Vyatka) is the birthplace of the Kikimora d3scr)


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| 25 HP | 50 HP | 100 HP | 200 HP | 500 HP | 1000 HP |

О, я так погляжу и у вас тоже любят деревья портить и обрезать

да ваще жесть. каждый год об этом рассуждают, типа - зачем такое делают. в прошлом году по радио слушал, что так уже не будут делать, а будут смотреть на состояние дерева. И что по итогу? Вот такие обрубки стоят даже на центральной улице.

Что-то совсем безрадостно этот дом выглядит... Понятно, что нынешним жильцам невыгодно, чтобы он смотрелся ухожено, но когда окна забиты фанерой - это всё же немного чересчур.

И это не окраина города.
Администрация не сносит такие дома, потому что в них люди живут, которым нужно давать новое жилье по поводу снова дома. и коммерсам не интересно покупать это места. Магазин не построить и дом большой тоже.

sorry to hear about the cracked window so frustrating when that happens but it lead to a nice walk

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

In six months, the second crack turned out. But we will not be sad! Life goes on.

Какие то очень грустные кикиморы.)

а медведи бывают веселыми или грустными? ;)
Так и кикиморы. в сказках они одни, а в реалии лучше их и не видеть. :)