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RE: Wednesday Walk its not always sunny and colorful when I get out for a walk

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Those are definitely some moody photos. Still really great though! We have fallen back into a bit of a late winter slump here. I hope we get some spring temps and weather back soon!


I have noticed daffodils up when driving around, not sure how they will last as the weather has bene up and down well mostly down and today lots of heavy rain

Im hoping for some nicer warmer days and to get some morning walks in, now that I have a date for the surgery trying to be sensible and not head out if its cooler

I do love moody mornings they can make for great photos.

I got my mom an Easter Lily and it finally bloomed the other day. It was beautiful. Definitely take it easy with the cold weather. I know my father in law has trouble when the air is too cold.

Ohh yeah winter does slow me down these days, the joys of my travels over the years the TB took it out of me back in 2007 and havent handled winters well since