Don't miss the great walk around Mang Den

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Hello dear Hivers in the Wednesday Walk community, it's been a long time since I've posted again in this great community. Today I would like to share my walk around Mang Den, the town where I'm living. Mang Den contains wild and peaceful beauty. A walk around Mang Den is not only a journey to discover nature but also an adventure into colorful local culture and life.


Small houses are a feature of this land. I don't know from when, but local people have a habit to live in such small houses from generation to generation. Beside, they tend to live far from the main road. They prefer to build their houses hidden in the middle of the forest.











Another beauty of the local villages is rice fields. Planting rice is one of the main job of local people. With the water supply of the rivers and streams around the town, we can easily see the rice fields everywhere. The rice fields are usually surrounded by forests and mountains, which creates poetic scenes.



Walking around Mang Den, we will encounter many interesting things. The people here still maintain a simple and friendly lifestyle, smiling and welcoming each strange guest like family. Walking around the villages, we can see images of herds of buffaloes leisurely grazing on lush green grass, a simple but unusually warm image.






Continuing the journey, Mang Den forest appears like a cool green paradise, where life shines brightly under the sunlight. Here we will not hear anything except the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and the gurgling of streams. Going deep inside, we are easily overwhelmed by the beauty of ancient trees, clear streams and strangely fresh, cool air.









Lakes hidden in villages and forests are also one of the must-see stops when coming to Mang Den, a place that reflects the deep blue sky and distant mountains. The peace and quiet of the lake is an ideal destination to immerse yourself in nature, listen to the sound of wind and water, and find a moment of peace in your soul.



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The Mang Den trip is not just a regular trip, but also a journey back to nature, with simplicity and peace. It is an opportunity to explore and contemplate life, the beauty hidden in every quiet moment of nature and people here. Mang Den, with its beautiful villages, green forests, clear lakes and friendly people, will forever be an unforgettable memory in the hearts of those who have visited.


Thank you very much for taking time to read my post. I hope you enjoy the walk with me today. Wish you a nice Wednesday!

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Nice to have you join again and a great post it is, I especially love that first photo with the mirror like reflections

you live is such a beautiful area

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

and Have a great day

Thank you very much @tattoodjay
You're working hard to run this community, and I'm always happy to join it.

Indeed this is a journey back to Nature and I really enjoyed the Cool river's, the fresh air, the greenery of the forests and the rice fields, even the warmth of the villagers. All so beautiful are the shots you captured @dodovietnam.

Thank you very much dear friend @edith-4angelseu
I think I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful area.

Good morning dear friend @dodovietnam how are you?
How beautiful is the place where you live, you can appreciate the tranquility and beauty there.
How great that you have shown us this beautiful walk through your town, I love the aerial landscapes and the rice plantations.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day, dear friend.

Hi dear friend @jlufer
Thank you very much for your compliment.
You're right! I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place. I really appreciate that.
Wish you a nice day too.

I really enjoy visiting your post.

That's quite a walk and quite some scenery. I'm curious, in one photo there's a structure with a bunch of sticks stacked up, what are they for? They remind me of the piles of sticks we used for hanging and curing tobacco.

That's an interesting question, friend.
That's is wood house. The local people often go to the forest to collect wood and they stock them like that. There is a fireplace in the middle of every house, and they usually make fire to cook and keep warm during the night. That's why they need a lot of wood.

Mang Den is a very lovely place. I love the plants and flowers. I love the wood houses over there too. They are really lovely

Thank you very much @rafzat
I hope to see you here in near future.

A top class documental article @dodovietnam!!!... Thanks for sharing!

!discovery 30

Thank you very much dear friend @jlinaresp
Wish you a nice day.

Cool photography sir and the place is so relaxing with all those trees around (the nature) it can heal souls.

Thank you very much @digdeeper2
Wish you a nice day.

Please, where is Mang Den located and why do the people prefer to build their lovely homes at the outskirt of the city ?

Thank you very much for your question.
Mang Den is a small town on hingland of Vietnam. Here the most of area is still forest, and the population is still small.

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