Wednesday Walk - A bit of a flat walk to enjoy the sunny day at Villa de Las Rosas. / Un poco de caminata plana para disfrutar del día soleado en Villa de Las Rosas. 😃❤️

in Wednesday Walk10 months ago

After several cloudy days and without a bit of sun during our last trip to Córdoba, one morning everything was different and we finally had a clear sky. I can't complain too much about the cloudy days because at least they didn't turn into rain, but the fact that the sun came out put us all in a good mood. We even wanted to go a little further for a walk, so we took the bus and almost at random, we arrived at the town of Villa de Las Rosas. There we were able to walk a lot and in this Wednesday Walk I will share with you what we saw. I hope you like it ❤️.

Después de varios días nublados y sin un poco de sol durante nuestro último viaje a Córdoba, una mañana todo fue diferente y al fin tuvimos un cielo despejado. No me puedo quejar mucho de los días nublados porque al menos no se transformaron en lluvia, pero que haya salido el sol nos puso de buen humor a todos. Incluso teníamos ganas de ir un poco más lejos a pasear, así que nos tomamos el colectivo y casi al azar, llegamos al pueblo de Villa de Las Rosas. Allá pudimos caminar bastante y en este Wednesday Walk compartiré con ustedes lo que vimos. Espero que les guste ❤️.


The good thing about the province of Córdoba in this part of Argentina is that there is a public transport service that runs along the mountains and through all the towns around it. This allows you to move to other towns to visit and explore them for a not so expensive ticket. When we went out with my dad and my brother, we didn't know exactly which town we would get off at, but when we got to Villa de Las Rosas and saw the beautiful terminal, we decided to get off there. Either way, we'd find something to do 😅.

Lo bueno que tiene la provincia de Córdoba en esta parte de Argentina es que existe un servicio de transporte público que va costeando las sierras y recorriendo todos los pueblos a su alrededor. Esto permite que por un pasaje no tan costoso puedas moverte hasta otros pueblos para visitarlos y explorarlos. Cuando salimos con mi papá y mi hernano no sabíamos exactamente en qué pueblo bajaríamos, pero cuando llegamos a Villa de Las Rosas y vimos la terminal tan linda, decidimos bajarnos ahí. De cualquier modo, encontraríamos algo para hacer 😅.


In the main square of Villa de Las Rosas you can find a green and well decorated space. This place is literally decorated with rose bushes everywhere: even though it wasn't rose season, there were still a few left on the bushes. Surely in the spring this place is beautiful because now it was and in bloom it must be even more so ❤️.

En la plaza principal de Villa de Las Rosas se puede encontrar un espacio verde y bien decorado. Literalmente este lugar esta decorado con rosedales en todas partes: a pesar de que no era temporada de rosas, todavía quedaban algunas en los arbustos. Seguramente en la primavera este lugar es hermoso porque ahora lo era y florecido debe serlo aún más ❤️.


As all good tourists that we are, we find out about activities to do around the tourist office. Luckily for us, there were some trails to walk and see, so after lunch, we started our walk. The surroundings of the town were also beautiful and with more rose gardens. You can tell that the identity of this place is these roses and all the neighbors know it ❣️.

Como todos buenos turistas que somos, nos informamos en la oficina de turismo sobre actividades para hacer por ahí. Para nuestra suerte habían algunos senderos para recorrer y ver, así que después de almorzar, emprendimos el paseo. Los alrededores del pueblo también eran lindos y con más rosedales. Se nota que la identidad de este lugar son estas rosas y todos los vecinos lo saben ❣️.


Of the available trails, we chose one called Los Jilgueros with a distance of 1.2 km. My brother doesn't like to walk very much, but my dad and I do so he had no choice. During all the trips I've made, I've had the opportunity to walk several trails and quite difficult, but this one didn't look difficult at all. This part of the province is flat so I doubted we would need to push our legs that much 😅.

De los senderos disponibles, elegimos uno que se llama Los Jilgueros con una distancia de 1.2 km. A mi hermano no le gusta mucho caminar, pero a mi papá y a mí si asi que no tuvo otra opción. Durante todos los viajes que hice, tuve la oportunidad de recorrer varios senderos y bastante difíciles, pero este no se veía con dificultad para nada. Esta parte de la provincia es plana así que dudaba que necesitaramos esforzar tanto nuestras piernas 😅.


Although according to the signs the difficulty of the trail was moderate, compared to others that I did, this one was quite easy. There were no big slopes and the terrain was fairly clear, although there were quite a few roots at times. Maybe to make it a little more interesting they added some bridges and railings, but honestly it didn't get any more difficult than that. We also noticed bicycle marks so cyclists also use this path, maybe to get to their destination faster instead of going around the whole forest 😃.

Aunque según los carteles la dificultad del sendero era moderada, en comparación a otros que hice este era bastante sencillo. No había grandes desniveles y el terreno estaba bastante despejado, aunque de a ratos había bastantes raíces. Quizás para hacerlo un poco más interesante agregaron algunos puentes y barandas, pero honestamente no había nada más difícil que eso. Tambien notamos marcas de bicicletas así que los ciclistas también usan este camino, quizás para llegar más rápido a destino en lugar de rodear todo el bosque 😃.


Perhaps the most interesting thing about this path was that at times the path was covered to the top and silence took over the place. Luckily I was accompanied, but I suppose that if I were alone it would disturb me a bit to think that in solitude among all those trees. That would probably encourage me to pick up the pace and get to the other side faster 😅.

Quizás lo más interesante de este camino era que por momentos el sendero se tapaba hasta arriba y el silencio se adueñaba del lugar. Por suerte yo estaba acompañada, pero supongo que si estuviera sola me perturbaría un poco pensar que en la soledad entre todos esos árboles. Probablemente eso me alentaría a apurar el paso y llegar más rápido al otro lado 😅.


Walking this trail took us almost an hour because we were joking and making jokes along the way. The reviews on Google called it 'boring', but I found it interesting enough to do something in the afternoon. It is true that it is not the most fun or challenging trail in the world, but I thought it was nice to be a little in touch with nature. And if you're wondering what was on the other side, the answer is not much 😅. There was only one avenue, private houses and a campsite. Not much reward, but at least we had a good time ❣️.

Recorrer este sendero nos tomó casi una hora porque íbamos bromeando y haciendo chistes en el camino. Las reseñas en Google lo tildaron de 'aburrido', pero me pareció interesante como para hacer algo a la tarde. Es cierto que no es el sendero más divertido o desafiante del mundo, pero me pareció lindo para estar un poco en contacto con la naturaleza. Y si se preguntan que había del otro lado, la respuesta es no mucho 😅. Solo había una avenida, casas particulares y un camping. No mucha recompensa, pero al menos pasamos un buen momento ❣️.


I liked getting to know this town and that the sun was with us that day. The walks are always good to take advantage of the afternoon and visit new places. I'm also glad this trail wasn't too difficult - my legs really appreciated it and my brother didn't have much to complain about. My dad also liked doing this walk and he was also glad that the weather has improved. I think the good weather put us all in a good mood ❤️.

Me gustó haber conocido este pueblo y que el sol nos haya acompañado ese día. Las caminatas siempre son buenas para aprovechar la tarde y visitar lugares nuevos. También me alegro de que este sendero no haya sido tan difícil: mis piernas realmente lo agradecieron y mi hermano no tuvo mucho de qué quejarse. A mi papá también le gustó hacer este paseo y también se alegró de que el clima haya mejorado. Creo que el buen tiempo nos puso de buen humor a todos ❤️.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️


With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


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hello dear friend @lauramica good afternoon
I had never heard of villa las rosas, and it's good that you can access it by public bus, the place is really beautiful, I imagine what it could be like in spring, when the rose bushes are in bloom
Beautiful walk, the photographs you have taken are very beautiful
I appreciate that you let us know this beautiful town, that you enjoy a beautiful afternoon. happy wednesday walk

Thank you very much Luis :) I think that this town is not so well known but it is very quiet and picturesque. If your idea is to rest, this is a great place to do it.

Thank you very much for your visit. Have a good night 😃!

Que hermoso lugar! seguramente tu hermano se sintió aliviado cuando vió que el sendero era sencillo jaja me alegra que esta vez les acompañara un radiante sol. Saludos Lau, que tengas feliz tarde 💕

Muchas gracias Yoselyn 😃. Por suerte todo salió genial :)

glad you got a nice day and what a cool place to visit

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Thank you for stopping by ❤️


When the weather has been cloudy for a long time and rains and the sun does not come out, then when it comes after such a long time, it is very happy to see it, but nowadays it is raining a lot here in Pakistan and it is raining daily. The weather is very nice and the park is very beautiful when the house is completely finished.

Ohh, I hope the rain stops soon for you. Thank you for your visit 🙂.