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RE: Walk on the first day of May, Zoo and Fortress

in Wednesday Walklast month (edited)

Oh, the towers in Kalemegdan are fixed, I mean the works are finished!! Two years ago when I was there one of them was still under reconstruction. Oh, it was a bit windy hahaha, here as well.


For now, the wind is still blowing, but there is no rain, so we can go outside and use the day off.
Did you come to Belgrade on business or do you have some other connection with Serbia?

I have connections with Serbia and Belgrade was visited because of a concert when the tower was under reconstruction. ;)

Thank you on behalf of all my fellow citizens for promoting the city I live in ❤️

This post of yours got me thinking... Wherever I travel, I take photos and write about the places I stay for a short time, and I think it's better than writing some interesting things about the place I live. But, NO.
Here and now, I promise, along with the posts in the places I visit, I will also write about the place I live in, because it is a city with serious history, architecture and culture, which I see interests many Hiveans.