Wednesday Walk - Spring Walk

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Hello friends. I'm here with a new walking post. Today is an important day for Muslims. I congratulate those who believe in Islam on Eid al-Fitr.

It has been raining non-stop lately where I live. Naturally, it becomes difficult to move freely outside. When the rain stops, I go out whenever I get the chance. I'm walking. This time, I tried to go to different places while walking.



Heavy rain can sometimes cause bad consequences. An old and collapsing house was affected by heavy rains and collapsed. Of course, no one lived in it. It's lucky that no one passed by when the house collapsed. It could have caused bad consequences. Since the house is a historical building, permission must be obtained from the necessary authorities for its complete demolition. I think this is big nonsense, human lives are at stake.

Since I was walking with my friend, my walking pace was a little slow. Actually my friend is faster than me. If I had said let's walk faster, I might have had a hard time keeping up with him.

Market places are very crowded due to the holiday. I preferred quieter places for a more comfortable walk. Walking is more efficient in rough places. During this walk, I always walked on flat areas.

That's all I have to say about this week's walk, see you next week.


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