Wednesday Walk - The weather got warmer, I increased the walking time.

in Wednesday Walklast month (edited)

Hello friends, I am proud and happy to be with you at a new Wednesdaywalk event. I look forward to Wednesdays to share a new post here.

The temperature has increased considerably where I live. The rain has stopped. I know it's like this all over Turkey. No rain is expected until approximately October. This means that a very serious drought awaits us.

There is no problem now. The trees bloomed and the grass grew taller. We start to experience problems starting from June. During that period, our drinking water starts to be cut off during the day. People are victimized in many ways. However, those who govern the city can take precautions now.

I continued my walk in the city center. Since many shops in the city center have been demolished and the market has been restored, we have the opportunity to walk comfortably. It had previously become impossible to walk. Traffic problems were at their peak.

It is a great pleasure to pass through historical areas and watch the lively flow of the stream.

As the weather got warmer and the rain stopped, I increased the daily walking time. I currently walk for about 65-75 minutes. I need to increase this to around 100 minutes. Also, you need to walk more briskly. Walking steadily and at a normal pace is not very beneficial after a while. It is healthier to walk briskly or run.

That's all I have to say this week. See you next week. I will share photos with you from different locations.


WOW thats a terrible drought ahead especially when they cut off your drinking water

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Unfortunately, a very serious drought will be waiting for us. Thanks for stopping by.

During that period, our drinking water starts to be cut off during the day. People are victimized in many ways.

There was a similar situation in the Philippines, where there was no water for some months. Most homes had large cubicles because they had to buy water from private water trucks. It was terrible for resorts who had to fill several cubicles and the wait was always long.

Something very bad happened. Water will be one of the most important things in the future.

Walking straight for 70 minutes requires a lot of stamina. But the views tell that it was a beautiful walk.

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

I am glad you like it. Thanks.

How great that the climate has changed for the better and you can take your walks more frequently, although I am very sorry for the situation you are experiencing with the drinking water supply.
Beautiful place you have chosen for your walk, I appreciate you sharing the beautiful photographs
have a great day

Thanks so much for stopping by.

It is a beautiful place and landscape you visited and described with photos in your articles.
Thank you for sharing

I am glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey @tht it was a great walk and I'm so happy that you shared this with us.

I am so sorry to hear that you will have to experience drought and no drinking water.

Do you not have any underground acquifers or natural spring where you live?

 last month (edited) 

Merhaba Avustralyalı!
I am happy to see you again.

We meet our needs with underground and spring water. When there is drought in the summer months, the water supply is not sufficient. Those who govern the city can actually take precautions for this, but they do not.

Merhaba @tht
Gule Gule, I am very happy to see you again too!

How have you and your family been?

I am sorry to hear that your local council do not have any infrastructure or measure in place to collect the water when it rains, so it can be used during drought!

Do you have access to big water tanks over there like we do here- many houses have them to collect their rain water.

My family is fine, thank you. I hope your family is doing well too.

Rain is not expected until October. The municipality should build additional water tanks as a precaution, but it does not. Taking precautions individually will not be enough.