Ash Wednesday Early Morning Walk

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago

Good day, Wednesday Walker! Today most Catholics celebrate Ash Wednesday a holy day for prayer and fasting. It's been a while since the last I posted on this community and today I brought some photographs that I captured early morning today. Since today is a special day I woke up early and went outside to capture some photographs of the church, park, and street.

While walking towards the church I saw an ark decoration from Christmas last year and it's still up there.

As you can see, plenty of people outside the church attended the Ash Wednesday morning mass.

Even those balloon vendors are too early to sell balloons outside the church.

This is the image of the Antipolo church outside also known as Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyages the famous parish in Antipolo City. A lot of people from all different cities and municipalities came every day to visit the church.

I saw an old lady selling rosaries and other religious staff.

After the church, I went to the park nearby to the church and I saw some interesting things inside the park.

A guy selling colorful balloons.

A colorful and wonderful huge jellyfish and other sea creatures were displayed in the Christmas decorations last year.

The tallest church bell and huge clock in town.

The iMall is a new mall in Antipolo City.

Wednesday Walk #79

Please Note: In this article, all the images are mine I captured them using my Realme 5 Pro.

Camera: Taken by Realme 5 Pro
Category: Street Photography

Thanks For Visiting My Blog I appreciate Your Precious Time!


How are you dear friend @toffer
It has been a long time since I remembered this day of Ash Wednesday, a few decades ago in my town the day of Ash Wednesday was also celebrated, but over the years it has been lost, I appreciate that you reminded me.
What beautiful places you have visited, and what beautiful shots you give us on this occasion.
Have a great day

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Have a great day :)

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Yay! 🤗
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