Concept Art for an Indie Game

in OnChainArtlast year

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This is a piece I completed a few months ago for an indie game being developed called House of Raionas. I used all the tools currently in my toolbag which include 3D, photobashing, and digital painting. As I've been closely watching the development of AI, I feel more and more like it's going to creep it's way into the workflow, but I have yet to use it for anything work related, just playing and testing to see what it can do.

There's a TON of layers in here so I'm not going to do a layer by layer process, but I did go in and save some of the major steps.


I started with a rough 3D blockout and some models for things that I could find models for. This established the overall composition and lighting.


This is still all 3d, just duplicating some objects and adding a few new things here and there.


Here I start painting and photobashing.


More painting and photobashing


more of the same

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The main subjects of the painting are the two kids there in the mid-ground. It's supposed to be about the world, but they needed to be clearly visible as the game is about them. This was a fun project and I hadn't done concept art like this in a while so it was cool to get back into it and get to use some other skills that I've picked up and apply them here. Hope you all like. Let me know what you think in the comments below.


This place is reeeaally good!!! I love your artwork, Well done!!👌


I like the balance between the sun rays and shadow.

Your work is so beautiful