Writerz Diary 003 (Rane)

in OnChainArt11 months ago

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In the murky depths of Zurich, a city of secrets and shadows, a graffiti artist emerged from the darkness. I, a mere mortal with a can of spray paint, found myself drawn to the enigmatic character known as Rane. It all began with a dream that clawed its way into my consciousness back in 2009, as I roamed the vibrant streets of India, lurking in the shadows of old ruins and tombs, caves with bats, looking for hidden paths and secrets passages. I thrived from sneaking passed security guards, snoring their shifts away and spending nights at shady neighbourhoods, so dangerous during those hours i'd consider myself brave today after later hearing about the crimes that occured there. The dream birthed a name, Rane, resonating with the essence of a Shinobi, a silent warrior of the night. With four simple letters, I embraced this shadow character embodying a part of me, unleashing a torrent of creativity upon the unsuspecting world.

Rane, a name that I'd make official in a legal way and using it for an artist profile with pseudonimity.

Rane was more than a mere graffiti artist; he was a nocturnal shape-shifter, donning a suit that melded the darkness of night with the sharpness of a razor's edge. His attire, a fusion of a hoody, kimono, and athletic gear, was a testament to his versatility. This was athleisure taken to a whole new level, an armor that protected and empowered him during his exploits. Like Batman, Rane prowled the night, but his mission differed. He did not seek to vanquish evil in the conventional sense, for he understood the complex interplay of shades that colored the tapestry of existence.

Maybe the gear for organised crime for freedom of expression was an inspiration that had it's roots in a very real character.

During my stays in Mumbai I experimented with patterns and built suits that some would term as coming straight out of a comic.

In a world where the line between good and evil blurred, Rane embraced a profound truth. He recognized that actions deemed acceptable by society, such as buying a corpse as food, carried a weight of their own. People mimicked these actions, blindly accepting their place within the societal fabric, conventional actions seemed trivial and the inability to explore new prospects mere conformity of creatures, unaware of the liberty of choice. But Rane knew better. He knew there was a choice to be made. With this newfound awareness, he ascended to a higher plane, whilst still embodying modesty and humility and being non-judgemental, serving the oblivious by unleashing the truth in actions manifested as simple testament of positive actions. He shed the illusion of knowledge, realizing that true growth lay in questioning everything, and embracing the void of uncertainty.

The Character

Upon my return from a recent visit to India, my artistic endeavors took an intriguing turn. I dared to bring another Rane to life on a small wall, a shrine to the legend of Bruce Lee. It was an exercise in experimentation, a venture into the realm of abstraction. I sought to capture the essence of Rane's ninja-like presence, a being who effortlessly ascends stairs and roams the shadows with grace. The "Zentral Wäscherei" in Zurich became the backdrop for this smudge, as Rane's enigmatic figure took form, intertwining with the vibrant work of @seereal.


But Rane's story extended beyond the confines of brick and mortar. It demanded a more substantial canvas, a novel that would bring Buddhism to the Western world. I delved into the ancient teachings, drawing upon the wisdom of Chan, Taoism and the holistic perspectives of the East. Philosophy met empirical views, converging on a path that led to enlightenment without claiming absolute truth. Modesty became the foundation upon which Rane's tale was built.


The journey from a mere sketch to a definitive vision was rife with twists and turns. Refining each stroke, capturing Rane's essence in ink upon paper over the years, I had quite the idea. The images that follow bear a glimpse to this metamorphosis and into the evolution of Rane's manifestation. Finally I think I had discovered a new style or painting fighting to stay analog during this paradigm that some might deem as the one leading to artistic obsoletion. I beg to differ. I think it's even more so one of symbiosis for the truly creative and daunting. A rival, a challenger to expose the copycats/biterz and trivial copy paste culture of our time.


I used a white can of spray paint to cover the background of tags and scribbles to mask out more of the character. Later, I gave a bit more of Bamboo Background, but actually preferred simply white after reexamination.

The completed artwork, a collaboration with @seereal's letters and his powerful campaign, "Love Your Life." These fragments of urban art span the length and breadth of the country, whispering messages of positivity to all who stumble upon them. And @seereal, the embodiment of the campaign, exudes the same infectious energy in his everyday life. A beacon of light amidst the darkness, he embraces spirituality, sound healing, yoga, and holistic health, while nurturing his son's spirit with the gift of boundless experiences.

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As the wheel of time spins relentlessly, I find myself catching up to the present, embarking on exciting new chapters. From the realms of science to the wonders of guided fabrication, from the depths of quantum computing to the vast landscapes of philosophy, my posts shall delve into the cryptic realms of possibility. Together, we shall explore the enigmatic dance of crypto investments and witness the rise of smart contract systems, empowering individuals worldwide with data sovereignty.

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Stay vigilant, dear readers, for the journey has only just begun. Prepare yourselves for a thrilling adventure, where the boundaries of imagination and reality intertwine, giving birth to worlds unseen. The spirit of Rane shall guide us, a Shinobi of the modern age, as we navigate the mysteries that lie ahead. So keep your eyes peeled, your hearts open, and your minds primed for enlightenment. Exciting tales await, eager to transport you to realms uncharted. Stay tuned, for the best is yet to come.

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10% beneficiaries of this post go to @seereal

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Previous Illustrations, graphics or paintings I made and posted on Hive:

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Graffiti of vanishing
Dong Chang 东厂
aka Rane

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Knowledge is remembered or forgotten. Wisdom is practiced and paved. - @yangyanje

Rise from your slumber, lest you become mere replicas of standardized objects on a monotonous production line. Instead of blindly accepting what you hear as absolute truth, dare to question everything you believe to be true and discover the answers for yourself.

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Feel free to tip Wallets for support:


Ethereum, XDAI, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain...: 0x0398edefB9d18A6a7c9fe573bdeedB7797283Ae5

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Member of the Swiss Hive Community. Here's the curation project.
Feel free to delegate Hive Power to @badge-107955 to support the Swiss Hive

Delegate to the Mind Force Gathering @mind.force and support 92 artist, growing by the day. Official launch of @hive-127039 on the 28. March.

Admin of the Hive Rocks Community

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I love these little insights you share, about the wonderful person you have become and are still becoming.

Like Batman, Rane prowled the night, but his mission differed. He did not seek to vanquish evil in the conventional sense, for he understood the complex interplay of shades that colored the tapestry of existence.

This, this is 🔥 xxxx

Imagine you were an alien observing Earth from afar. You'd see humans engaging in activities like soccer, commuting in cars, and watching sports on TV. To an alien, it might seem like evolved monkeys playing with a ball, while others watch in fascination. Some from their boxes at home. From this outsider's perspective, there's no inherent judgment of good or evil, just an observation of what is.

In the same way, our perceptions of good and evil are often shaped by societal norms and mass conceptions. Things that might have been acceptable in the past, like using ivory for piano keys, are now seen differently. It's like asking someone wearing a fur coat if using ivory is okay – it's simply a reflection of how things were done in the past, not inherently good or bad.

Sometimes, stepping back and looking at things from a different perspective can help us see beyond the black and white, and appreciate the complexities of human behavior and history without immediate judgment.

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited..

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