Flying Fish [Digital Art]

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Flying Fish.jpg

In this Photo Manipulation tutorial, Learn how to create beautiful flying fish light effect Photoshop Manipulation Tutorial Photo Effects.

This Photoshop Tutorial you'll learn how to easily create Dreamy Light Effects.

Here's the images I'll be using:


Here are some Screenshot to show how to create a My moon photoshop manipulation effect.

Screenshot (158).png

Screenshot (159).png

Screenshot (160).png

Screenshot (161).png

Screenshot (162).png

And Final Result is
Screenshot (163).png


My profile:

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If you got any questions about this tutorial feel free to ASK ME in the Comments.
Happy Watching. . . ≧◉◡◉≦

Any Business queries plz email me: ➜ [email protected]

✿✿✿✿ THANK YOU ✿✿✿✿
yk design


Beautiful work. Gorgeous

glad you like it ❤️

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This make me remember Mulan, I don't know why but great art!

woww I can't stop watching your works, it's great!!

Thank you for sharing this amazing post on HIVE!
  • Your content got selected by our fellow curator @priyanarc & you just received a little thank you via an upvote from our non-profit curation initiative!

  • You will be featured in one of our recurring curation compilations and on our pinterest boards! Both are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within and outside of the DIY scene of hive.

Join the official DIYHub community on HIVE and show us more of your amazing work and feel free to connect with us and other DIYers via our discord server: !

If you want to support our goal to motivate other DIY/art/music/homesteading/... creators just delegate to us and earn 100% of your curation rewards!

Stay creative & hive on!

Excellent illustration, I love the lights of the fish. Blessings!

I thikn this one is maybe my most favorite of all from you
because my bookcover has all of these glowing fireflies - and this.... wow.

it just reminds me of it in a beautiful way

your work is so talented... truly.
You are just so gifted!!!

i love to see it. sorry i've been away for a bit - but life will be a little bit crazy until after Christmas for me LOL

Looks great! Stay with it.

This is beautiful.
I got here from pypt

This is fantastic... Totally love this☺️😘

You have a perfect eye for dreaming about what fits together. Not many can see beyond what is in front of them. I love your Art!

It was wonderful to hear you on PYPT today!!

Such a beautiful design I love the blue koi fish they really add some pop to the overall picture.

Amazing art and great to find out about such a talented artist here on hive

This was shared in #PYPT today and look forward to more beautiful art from you

Truly beautiful. In fact, exquisite is the word.😍