Bringing Aunt to morning market ended up determining my food of the day. 😁

in Life Storieslast month

On one morning, I helped to bring my Aunt to morning market because she said she had some nerve pain at her upper right thigh, causing her inconvenience to go by bus. Luckily, she reached out to me, I really didn't want her to fall down anywhere outside the house. We reached the market at 7:30am. It had been awhile I landed here at this huge morning market.

She bought me roasted pork belly!

She needed to buy some pork, chicken, wantan skin, herbs and also some vegetables for the week. At the section which sold pork, another side was a small shop selling roasted pork belly and BBQ pork. The price of roasted pork belly had increased so much, I told her not to, but she insisted, saying to give us a treat for being helpful. Thank you, Aunt!

The roasted pork belly was nicely roasted, not too salty and a very nice blend of salt and five-spiced powder. We all love it. We ate it for our lunch.

ABC soup

I had some chicken feet and neck and chicken bones, because when Aunt bought the chicken from market, she requested for debone-ing. She asked whether I wanted the remainder, mainly the chicken neck, the chicken carcass and chicken feet, of course I wanted! It was the best for making soup.

So, there we had it. I threw in all the chicken remainders, and added in garlic, onion, tomato, carrots and potatoes to boil into a delicious healthy ABC soup, Chinese version.

Basically, I just put all ingredients into my pot, then set the timer to 2.5 hours, seasoned with salt pepper.

Voila, here we had a yummy ABC soup. My youngest son really love the chicken feet.

Steamed Egg with Tofu

At the market, Aunt also bought me a Japanese soft tofu, saying the tofu very fresh. She even taught me how to steamed the tofu with egg. It was my first time cooking this.

Seasoned the egg with some seasoning. My aunt suggested chicken stock powder but I used Maggi sauce and mushroom stock powder instead. Some salt and pepper too.

Beat the egg to mix the seasoning.

Arrange the cut tofu accordingly, then pour the beaten egg unto it.

Then, just bring to steam for 20 minutes.

There we had it a simple delicious steamed egg with tofu. Drizzle some soy sauce on top and some spring onions. I did not have spring onions, so I opted that out.

So we had ABC soup, roasted pork, steamed egg with tofu, ate all these with rice — felt blessed to have food for the day!

Black Glutinous Rice Dessert

We also had this dessert after lunch. My brother-in-law gave us this the night before and we heated it up for our dessert after lunch. This one was sweet dessert, very famous among the Malay, and especially during Ramadan month. It was using black glutinous rice, being boiled till soft, then adding sugar and coconut milk. This one was super mouth-watering, we all loved it.

Beef Patties with cheese and egg

My husband and I had leftover ABC soup for dinner, so the boys had some different dinner. We had two more beef patties left in freezer, so my husband cooked them up, added a cheese on top of the patty and fried some eggs. The boys were happy to have a different dinner from Daddy.. Usually, I am more towards Chinese cooking. So when the father cooked for them something different, they were always stoked!

It was yet another for us to give thanks. We are currently practising this — be thankful in every little things, in good times, we praise God, in hard times, we praise God even harder!


the roasted pork belly looks delicious

That's a lot of food in a day! And all looks very delicious