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RE: Hivechess Tournament Season 18 Round 1: @tony1294 was the winner

in The Chess Community β€’ 2 months ago (edited)

I'm working on that, I need 50 subs....I'll try to get that sorted so I can stream on YT (next round) because otherwise everything is lost 🀣 and can't make highlight vids, I think that would be the most when I start to panic against a 2000 rated player and then draw or win πŸ˜›

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You need 50 follower on switch and you have just one? That can take a while...πŸ˜„

(Need YT subs) Haha I have 5 YT subs, need 45 more....there are ways if u know what I mean πŸ€‘

Would be a good start if you actually share your YT link, so that people can follow :)

Hahaha you have point, (link is also in my splinterlands posts):

Subscribe your channels ☺️

Thank u 😎

nice weekend ☺️