S16R01 Blitz Chess Tournament Saturday 15 January 20 GMT (21 Uhr Deutsche Zeit): Registration, Reminder and NEW Rules

in The Chess Community2 years ago (edited)

Reminder for Season 16 Round 1: January 15: 20 GMT (Duration 1 hour)

Mode: Chess Blitz 5+2
Free to join in at anytime, for all levels!

Erinnerung für Saison 16 Runde 1: 15. Januar : 21 Uhr (Dauer 1 Stunde)

Modus: Schach Blitz 5+2
Du kannst jederzeit und mit jeder Spielstärke kostenlos mitmachen!


Link: https://lichess.org/tournament/FWcoTYIR


  • Register with your lichess name in the comments if your name is not in the list below. All players who were not active in the last season have been removed from the list and must be re-registered to ensure that they are active here and have access to their account.
  • Your own advertising articles are expressly desired!
  • The HIVE or HBD of this article will be distributed equally to all players at the end of the season. Only the rounds in which a player has played at least 3 games are counted (Rounds in the table). Your payout is: Total income divided by the total number of all rounds played by all players multiplied by the number of rounds that you played.


  • Registrierung mit Deinem lichess Namen in den Kommentaren, wenn Dein Name nicht in der Liste unterhalb enthalten ist. Alle Spieler die in der letzten Saison nicht aktiv waren wurden aus der Liste entfernt und müssen neu registriert werden, damit soll sicher gestellt werden dass sie hier aktiv sind und Zugang zu ihrem Konto haben.
  • Eigene Artikel zur Werbung sind ausdrücklich erwünscht!
  • Die HIVE oder HBD dieses Artikels werden zu gleichen Teilen an alle Spieler am Ende der Saison verteilt. Gezählt werden nur die Runden in denen ein Spieler mindestens 3 Spiele gespielt hat (Rounds in der Tabelle). Deine Auszahlung beträgt: Gesamteinnahmen dividiert durch die Gesamtanzahl aller gespielten Runden aller Spieler multipliziert mit der Anzahl der Runden die mitgespielt wurden.

Code of conduct


Season 16: 15 January to 26 March 2022

Registration Table, comment if your name is not in the table

Tabelle zur Registration, kommentiere wenn dein Name hier nicht auftaucht

WFM perpz@perpz220700

Final result season 1 link Chess King: @stayoutoftherz
Final result season 2 link Chess King: @ape-5th
Final result season 3 link Chess King: @samostically
Final result season 4 link Chess King: @anadello
Final result season 5 link Chess King: @anadello
Final result season 6 link Chess King: @anadello
Final result season 7 link Chess King: @foxconnmars
Final result season 8 link Chess King: @renerondon
Final result season 9 link Chess King: @renerondon
Final result season 10 link Chess King: @stayoutoftherz
Final result season 11 link Chess King: @stayoutoftherz
Final result season 12 link Chess King: @yazp
Final result season 13 link Chess King: @yazp
Final result season 14 link Chess King: @maverieux000
Final result season 15 link Chess King: @eniolw


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        


Great to see these tournaments back! was waiting for the announcement ✨
Working on my formatting and writing skills, hoping to write chess content in coming days :)

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Yeahh! Looking forward to the new season.
Please my name isn't on the table.

My Lichess username is wildthougts

Thanks, now it is :)

Looking forward to playing this new season! Thank you!

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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I am not in the table.Add me to the table please!

Lichess name - summisimeon

 2 years ago  

Awesome the three tournaments will start this week ! Great 👍

Looking forward to a new season... Thank you @schamangerbert for hosting us once again!

Ich wünsche viel Spass un ein gutes Spiel!

LG Michael


Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Hi @schamangerbert , been a long time here. I just got back. I was told about #Hivechess by @samostically. And, I'm back to play and also to help promote chess here too.

I'd play the season too. I am "Perpz" on lichess. Thank you.

Welcome back @perpz , please do well to follow all the events.. you can follow @stayoutoftherz and @chessbrotherspro for the other events..


Welcome to the boards!


You have obtained a vote from CHESS BROTHERS PROJECT

✅ Good job. Your post has been appreciated and has received support from CHESS BROTHERS ♔ 💪

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♞♟ Check out our @chessbrotherspro account to learn about the curation process carried out daily by our team.



Hi, my lichess id is the same that my hive account @alexmag1988

Welcome to the boards!

Thanks a lot!!!

@schamangerbert As agreed, I returned the 5 HIVEs (as you can see in your wallet transactions) and now I would like to register for the tournament: my Lichess nickname is KingJames4 while PeakD's is @giacomone. I think in this way the matter has been resolved and we can return to like each other, thanks

Welcome to the boards!

@schamangerbert If you want, can you also remember the CHECKMATE COIN ARENA TOURNAMENTS that take place every Monday at 20:15 GMT from CHECKMATE COIN community?
Thanks a lot and good luck for the tournament!

My rating is under 1700 for the last two months, @schamangerbert 😃

I love chess, I'm going to partecipate, my Lichess nickname is: Zincheck.
!PIZZA for you

Excelente! Estaré pronto jugando la liga. Posiblemente Me Una la semana que viene

I'm seeing a lot more names. We are in for an interesting season


My Lichess Name= CHeSsdieGOst
Thx :)

Excellent, thank you for notifying us. Best regards.

I thought the snow had frozen all the chess boards! 🙀😂

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@b0s(2/5) tipped @schamangerbert (x1)

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