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RE: Garbage Meal Set ごみのミールセット [English and Japanese]

in Hive JA2 months ago

I hate litter. I have a friend here, a typical Japanese ojiisan maybe haha. He goes around the city everyday collecting litter, then he takes the bags to city hall and complains for an hour. I feel sorry for the public workers who he complains to, but I do admire him for picking up the litter. I carry around a small plastic bag with me, so I pick up litter too, but my effort is small compared to this guy.

I think fast food is a problem. It is so unhealthy, and it encourages people to eat even more unhealthily in their car. Then after they do... they are more likely to litter. In Okazaki, there is a bridge over the yahagi river. People always are throwing trash out their window when they go over the bridge because they think it's hidden under the bridge, so no one will see. And more than half the litter they throw out is fast food packages. Very annoying!


It's nice to hear that there are litter-collecting ojisans in your area, and you carry a small plastic bag for picking up litter as well. It seems like a small effort, but it's definitely better than nothing.

I don't understand why big fast-food chains or corporations never include waste management in their production projects, such as food waste, electricity, or cars. Nuclear waste is probably the biggest concern in this topic.