selfhelp4trolls cross-posted this post in Hive JA 26 days ago

Hive Tokyo Meetup! 東京のHiveミートアップ

in Cross Culture26 days ago (edited)

Wrote in English but I’ll share the Japanese first because it’s relevent to the Japanese community




星乃珈琲店でコーヒーを飲み、ランチを食べながらお互いのことを少し知ることができました。写真は一枚も撮りませんでしたが、名前と顔が一致したことで、もっとHive Tokyoコミュニティを築こうという意欲が湧いてきました。
















日本に住むの一番慣れないところ The hardest thing to get used to in Japan

I finally joined a Tokyo meetup!

It was only 3 of us so I hardly know if you can call it a meetup, but Tokyo has fewer members than you can count on one hand, so getting 3 people together is a big deal!

We got coffee and ate lunch at Hoshino cafe and got to know each other a little bit. We took 0 pictures but it was really nice to put a face to a name, and just being able to do that makes me more energized to try and help build more of a Hive Tokyo community.

Nice to finally meet you @go-kyo and @iroha.

The food was great. We shared information and talked a bit about how to nurture this tiny community. I expressed to them that meetups will motivate me to get more involved with the community. If I know these people live in the same city or pass through and don’t care to meet, I am not likely to get involved.

On the other hand if there are chances to actually meet each other and expand my world a little more, I will make a big effort. But with so few people and everyone being busy, I think I should take the initiative wherever possible.

This meeting was especially exciting for me because I have only met 1 single Hivester before ever, @kendewitt, despite 7 years of being in this ecosystem.

A lot happened to get in the way of previous meetup plans. I was going to go visit @machiatta and some of the Indonesia and Thai community in 2019 but then the pandemic made that impossible. Add to that that I was not in the best of health and had almost nothing to my name until a few years ago so travel was difficult. Actually if it weren’t for my health issues, i would have done a whole Hive tour around Europe and Africa and Asia.

Now my health is much better than before so I want to be more active meeting people in person, at least nearby.

@go-kyo has kept the Hive community together so I want to support her in any way that I can. From now I will be taking it upon myself to organize some meetup events. Let’s see how I do!

We figured out that there are 5-7 active or semi-active users in Tokyo and I know of two others outside of the city but not very far.

Since people in Tokyo are always super ultra booked, I will try to meet whoever I can whenever they can, whether it’s 1 person or 5. I am busy too but I have a lotnof control over my schedule and don’t book things far in advance.

Once we get to know each other a little better maybe it’ll get easier to gather people.

Ideally, at some point, maybe twice a year I want to organize something like a picnic where each of us can bring 1-2 IRL friends and everyone see that our blog friends are actually real and potentially can hear more about Hive.

I am not sure how it will go but I am aso trying to meet some twitter friends so that there are more people I can introduce to each other because my IRL friends are pretty entrenched in their own circles and not really eager to meet new people, although I will look for ways to create a bridge to them at some point.

I will make a list of areas to walk around, cafes, restaruants, parks, that I am curious about or I think might be fun for a random group to get to know each other, and as long as one person is interested in going, we can try to match our schedules.

I hope to go visit @rt395 as soon as he comes back to Japan as well.

I am not sure how long it will take but I feel really motivated to try and bring SOMETHING together to the point where we can have a coherent Hive event once a month. I really think this a tiny bit of effort can go a long way.

Please help us grow as a community and delegate to @hive-ja!!

I made a video in Japanese recently too (English subtitles). Please check it out!

日本に住むの一番慣れないところ The hardest thing to get used to in Japan

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