The Tale of the Princess Kaguya: a hidden gem from Studio Ghibli [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realmlast month


The tale of Princess Kaguya or the character of "Kaguya" in particular is something that has been present in many Japanese productions, many of us who have watched anime may have seen references of this iconic character of Japanese culture (how for example in Naruto Shippuden and in the manga, we could see Kaguya Ōtsutsuki) and now today I bring you a post talking about a particular Studio Ghibli movie that adapted the original story to a movie and the truth, I feel that it is very difficult to find a bad movie from this studio... But before I start, I want to greet you as always, I hope you have had a great weekend and are ready for the last days of this month...

El cuento de la Princesa Kaguya o el personaje de "Kaguya" en particular es algo que ha estado presente en muchas producciones japonesas, muchos de los que hemos visto anime pudimos haber visto referencias de éste icónico personaje de la cultura japonesa (cómo por ejemplo en Naruto Shippuden y en el manga, pudimos ver a Kaguya Ōtsutsuki) y ahora hoy les traigo un post hablando sobre una particular película del Studio Ghibli que adaptó el cuento original a una película y la verdad, siento que es muy díficil encontrar una mala película de éste estudio... Pero antes de empezar, quiero como siempre saludarlos, espero que hayan pasado un muy buen fin de semana y estén listos para éstos últimos días de éste mes...


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is a Studio Ghibli film released in 2013, written and directed by Isao Takahata is based on the Japanese folk tale "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" or better known as "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya", which by the way, is from the tenth century. The story begins with an old bamboo cutter was one day doing his usual work, when he noticed a tiny girl sprouting from a bamboo stalk, when he got home he decided to show her to his wife and they decided to raise her as they considered her a gift from heaven.

El Cuento de la Princesa Kaguya es una película del Studio Ghibli lanzada en 2013, escrita y dirigida por Isao Takahata está basada en el cuento popular japonés "El Cuento del Cortador de Bambú" o mejor conocido cómo "El Cuento de la Princesa Kaguya", que por cierto, es del siglo X. La historia comienza con un anciano cortador de bambú se encontraba un día haciendo su trabajo cómo de costumbre, cuando nota que una niña diminuta brota de un tallo de bambú, al llegar a casa decide mostrarle a su esposa y deciden criarla ya que la consideraban un regalo del cielo.


Obviously I am not going to tell the whole plot because I think it would ruin the experience, I think this movie is an excellent option to get to know the story that has been referenced so much in Japanese productions and that many of us have seen references to. This movie is quite different in terms of drawing and animation style than most I've seen from the studio and the truth is, it didn't bother me at all, it's different and that is appreciated (it's worth mentioning that I love the Ghibli style).

Obviamente no voy a contar toda la trama porque creo yo que arruinaría la experiencia, creo que ésta película es una excelente opción para conocer el cuento que tanto han referenciado producciones japonesas y que muchos hemos visto referencias. Ésta película es bastante distinta en cuanto al estilo de dibujo y de animación que la mayoría que he visto del estudio y la verdad, no me molestó para nada, es diferente y eso se aprecia (que cabe aclarar que me encanta el estilo Ghibli).


Personally I had never read the story, obviously I knew of its existence (because of what I said at the beginning of the post, several anime referenced this story) but I only thought it was a Japanese legend until I saw this movie and I really knew what it was about, this movie is very interesting and I feel it is one of the hidden gems of the studio. Tell me what you think about this movie if you have already seen it and if not, I highly recommend it, it lasts about two hours and 17 minutes and you can take your time on a Sunday afternoon, I think it is really worth it. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Personalmente yo nunca había leído el cuento, obviamente si sabía de su existencia (por lo que dije al principio del post, diversos animes referencian éste cuento) pero solo me quedé con que era una leyenda japonesa hasta que ví ésta película y supe realmente de que se trataba, está muy interesante ésta película y siento que es una de las joyas escondidas del estudio. Dime que piensas acerca de ésta película si es que ya la viste y si no, te la recomiendo completamente, dura alrededor de dos horas con 17 minutos que puedes tomarte el tiempo una tarde de domingo, creo que realmente vale la pena. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Traducido por DeepL


I wish you had continued the narration of the story😔😔 I was enjoying it.

It sounds like it would be worth the two hours seventeen minutes.

I didn't want to make any significant spoilers about the plot hahahaha, I hope you get to watch it soon.

I've just finished watching the last episode 😭😭😭😏 can't believe it's over, No more waiting for queen of tears on the weekend.

The ending wasn't satisfying enough, just hope there is a season two

Lovinggg 😍 the connection to Naruto Shippuden and how this movie brings the classic tale to life @ibet🤸🏾‍♀️✨️. The unique art style sounds intriguing. It's always awesome to discover hidden gems in the Studio Ghibli library💕.

Definitely adding this to my list ❤️... Thanks for the recommendation and have a nice week 🫂!

Yes, Kaguya Otsutsuki is a reference to the Kaguya in the original story, I hope you get to see the movie soon.

It's definitely a hidden gem from Studio Ghibli as I frankly didn't know about it, but there seems to be an interesting story behind it. It is true that "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" is referenced in other works.

Thanks for sharing. Regards!

It is a very popular story in Japan so it is not strange to see it referenced in different works.

I have not watched it, but I agree that it is a hidden gem of Ghibli because it is almost never heard of, here you can know how this legend really is (that I didn't know either haha)

Hahahahahaha, yes, very little is said about this movie, but it's pretty good.

he escuchado mucho la princesa Kaguya en varios animes sin embargo, no he sabido la historia como tal, se ve excelente! lo tendré presente jeje saludos!

I've heard a lot of Princess Kaguya in various anime however, I haven't known the story as such, looks excellent! will keep it in mind hehe cheers!

Jajaja si, suele pasar, yo no sabía nada del cuento hasta ver la película