SPLINTERLANDS art contest | Lily Shieldpaw

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

11abril copia.png

Buenas noches amigos, esta semana no pensaba participar en el concurso de @Splinterlands ya que realmente no tenia mucho tiempo libre para dibujar, sin embargo, hoy logre conseguir algo de tiempo y fue bastante difícil, elegí la carta de Lily Shieldpaw una carta que me gusta muchísimo, pero jamás me había atrevido a dibujar, siento que estos últimos meses he explorado mejor este tema de dibujar animales tiernos asi que me atreví a hacerlo hoy, este dibujo me dio muchos dolores de cabeza pero finalmente me encanto, créanme que es todo un reto para mi dibujar cualquier criatura que no sea una mujer jajaja, intente capturar esa belleza y ternura que me transmiten estos personajes, hubo muchos cambios durante el proceso como por ejemplo el fondo, quería un fondo con tonos cálidos pero quedo muy mal, decidí probar con algo mas oscuro y fue mucho mejor, en fin, espero que les guste esta versión de Lily Shieldpaw

Good evening friends, this week I didn't plan to participate in the @Splinterlands contest since I really didn't have much free time to draw, however, today I managed to get some time and it was quite difficult, I chose the Lily Shieldpaw card a card that I like very much, but I had never dared to draw, I feel that these last months I have explored better this topic of drawing tender animals so I dared to do it today, this drawing gave me a lot of headaches but finally I loved it, believe me it is a challenge for me to draw any creature that is not a woman hahaha, I tried to capture that beauty and tenderness that these characters transmit me, there were many changes during the process such as the background, I wanted a background with warm tones but it was very bad, I decided to try something darker and it was much better, anyway, I hope you like this version of Lily Shieldpaw.


Lily Shieldpaw.png

Corazón banner (1).png


Empecé el boceto y realmente fue complicado intentar hacer tres criaturas diferente en un mismo lugar, estaba muy nerviosa pensando en que probablemente seria un problema pintarlo, empecé a rellenar cada personaje con un color de base, luego en una nueva capa empecé con dos de ellos, mi favorito de pintar fue el panda rojo, me encanto este encima de todos los demás, por otra parte el leopardo de nieve fue el mas complicado, ya que tenia mas tonos claros que los demás y siempre les comento que trabajar con estos colores se me hace realmente difícil, puse todos los colores sin mucho cuidado ya que más adelante comenzaría a dar detalle uno por uno, luego pinte al panda gigante, ya solo faltaba retocar, pero esto llevaría muchas horas.

I started the sketch and it was really complicated trying to make three different creatures in the same place, I was very nervous thinking that it would probably be a problem to paint it, I started to fill each character with a base color, then in a new layer I started with two of them, my favorite to paint was the red panda, I loved this one above all the others, on the other hand the snow leopard was the most complicated, because it had more light tones than the others and I always tell you that working with these colors is really difficult for me, I put all the colors without much care because later I would begin to give detail one by one, then I painted the giant panda, I only needed to retouch, but this would take many hours.

Después empecé a detallarlos uno por uno, creo que tarde una hora o mas en cada uno de ellos, intentando dar ese aspecto de pelaje y también enfocándome en los enormes y tiernos ojos, después de pintarlos a todos, empecé a pensar en un fondo, al principio quería una especie de bosque con tonos rosas y amarillos y finalmente probe y no me gusto, asi que opte por un paisaje nocturno, me encanto asi.

Pinte unas flores que el panda rojo sostiene en sus patitas, luego aplique una capa de luces y empecé a aplicar algunos brillos en los ojos y partes del pelaje, continue mi dibujo pintando algunos pétalos de sakura flotando alrededor y se me ocurrió tambien agregar a cada uno una especie de aura detrás de la silueta, roja para el panda rojo, amarilla para el panda gigante y azul para el leopardo de nieve. Finalice realizando un sutil ajuste de color en la imagen, sin exagerar porque ya me gustaba como se veía.

Then I started to detail them one by one, I think it took me an hour or more on each one of them, trying to give that furry look and also focusing on the huge and tender eyes, after painting them all, I started to think about a background, at first I wanted a kind of forest with pink and yellow tones and finally I tried it and I didn't like it, so I opted for a night landscape, I loved it that way.

I painted some flowers that the red panda holds in his paws, then I applied a layer of lights and started to apply some glitter in the eyes and parts of the fur, I continued my drawing painting some sakura petals floating around and I also thought of adding to each one a kind of aura behind the silhouette, red for the red panda, yellow for the giant panda and blue for the snow leopard. I finished by making a subtle color adjustment to the image, without overdoing it because I already liked the way it looked..

Corazón banner (1).png


  • Photoshop CC 2022
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2022
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2



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Quedó hermoso! Wow, me sorprende la calidad de los artistas de Hive, sin duda hay mucho talento. Exitos ❤️

Muchas gracias!

Wow so cute 😍😍😍. The urge to pet them is just too high xd.

By the way Alexa, how do you choose what to draw as the background? I spend way too much time thinking about it haha.

Hahahaha yeah, I'd like to pet them too

I also spend a lot of time thinking about the background, sometimes I just start mixing colors and end up making something I like, always the background is the worst, I'm not as detailed as I would like for backgrounds and that sometimes frustrates me for example, for this drawing I tried 3 different backgrounds, trying to find something that looked good, in the end I went for something dark a kind of bright sky, it's a very complicated process that delays me too much the work 😂

Fire, earth and Water.

The Troublesome trio. Although they look cute, do not let looks deceive you.

They going to steal all of your waffles.


hahaha sometimes things are not what they appear to be


¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo!

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