Trying out new pencils with a portrait drawing of a girl - Original artwork

in Alien Art Hivelast month

Hello community, after taking a few days off from drawing to rest my hand since I have discomfort in my right wrist, I come with a portrait drawing of a girl without using a reference, I made this portrait to test some pencils that I bought yesterday in a well-known stationery/bookstore in the city, I had always wanted to use this type of pencils that are more like charcoal than graphite because the lead makes strokes with a much deeper black and it was also my first time using a blender and I loved the result, it helps a lot and the line is darker without having to put so much pressure on the paper. I really like it since it prevents the paper from getting hurt. At the end of the post I leave the pencils and the new mechanical pencil that I also bought along with some 2B leads that also helped me make more defined lines, I hope you like it as much as I do.


Hola comunidad, luego de tomarme unos dias libres de los dibujos para descansar la mano ya que tengo una molestia en la muñeca derecha, vengo con un dibujo retrato de una chica sin utilizar referencia, este retrato lo hice para probar unos lapices que compre el dia de ayer en una papeleria/libreria conocida de la ciudad, siempre habia querido utilizar este tipo de lapices que son mas como carboncillos que grafito porque la mina hace trazos con un negro mucho mas profundo y tambien era mi primera vez utilizando un difuminador y me encanto el resultado, ayuda muchisimo y que el trazo sea mas oscuro sin necesidad de hacer tanta precion sobre el papel me gusta mucho ya que evita que el papel se lastime, al fina del post dejo los lapices y el portaminasnuevo que tambien compre junto con unas minas 2B que tamien me ayudaron a hacer trazos mas definidos, espero les guste tanto como a mi.









Here are the pencil I bought/use for this drawing, they are soft, medium and hard lead and the blender and also the mechanical pencil is made from some kind of metal which makes it weight more than normal mechanical pencil which is great and the 2B lead



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A nice drawing!

What a beautiful drawing you have done! The portrait of that girl looks really gorgeous. I love how you've managed to capture her features and expression so well through those soft and deep strokes provided by those pencils you tried.