˜”*°•.˜”*°• Ordinary Chaos •°*”˜.•°*”˜

in Alien Art Hive22 days ago


More AI collage animation madness!

This one is titled:

˜”°•.˜”°• Ordinary Chaos •°”˜.•°”˜


I am trying an experiment with this one, Manifold studios now has an option for people to mint for free if you meet certain criteria. Anyone who follows me over on Warpacast can mint this for no cost.

  • If you didn't know Warpcast is like an alt twitter!

Link here:

Tweet with a HQ version of the GIF:

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What a super cool gif, it mixes old painting with movement, brought to contemporary, it's great!😍



 21 days ago  

Thanks EVE!

I really like this job. I tried to create an account there, but it seems like it doesn't work from Cuba.


 22 days ago  

Aww that sucks I didn't know they have geographic limitations 😭

ay, Julia, living in Cuba is a curse. 😞