Art Urbana

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago


This part of the city resembles an open air museum with all the murals adorning the walls. I believe you can also do a guided tour that takes you to various points throughout the city to check out some of the impressive work. I happened to come across them by accident as I was running some errands (i.e., buying tacos and horchata). There must be many more that I missed, and now it's killing me thinking about it. How many masterpieces are out there hidden from view? I hope you enjoy the ones I found.

Now you know the truth!



Slightly demonic, but that's how we roll in this city



Thank you for joining me in this little tour of the neighbourhood. Now, as the end of the day draws near, the sun waves goodbye, the moon begins to rise, we feel sleepy as we sink softly into the warm marshmallow bed of slumber, until we meet again on the other side of dreams.


Images by @litguru

NFT Showroom Gallery
InLeo Threads


The first one is quite symbolic. Energy infusion. The third one is lovely. The frog is cute, I like it. It is my favorite. Beautiful artworks!
!discovery 40

Those are great picks. I liked the variety of styles too. It appeals to different tastes. I'm glad they didn't stick to a single theme or style. It's a lot of effort trying to create art on this scale. If you make a mistake then it's a lot of work to undo it :)

Wowww they are all spectacular, I love the last one for its colours and the goat is very realistic!😍

I was happy to come across these murals. They were relatively close to each other, so it felt like being in an exhibition. It's great art.

And it is very good art, a real gallery!

The first motif: I can't help myself, although something is trickling out of the figure's hands, it's also trickling out of its bum. HaHa!

But more seriously: it reminds me of an Indian totem. There's energy there. I immediately think of the fantastic story of the short trouser gang. A wonderful book! Do you know it? ... Oh damn, I don't know the English title!

The devil looks quite distressed :D I feel immediately sorry for him, and as if he would really welcome an end to his painful state. Poor devil! That's what we actually say in Germany.

The Guinness presented by God (?) is also very nice. LoL

Altogether, it's a conglomerate from different cultures resp. their influences, poured out by the artists. I welcome it when the city takes walls as galleries.
Oah... I would like to see actually a painting of mine on such a huge display.

I liked the variety of art in that area. The first one is very likely done by an indigenous artist. I haven't read Indian totem, but it sounds like the author would've likely been familiar with that type of art.

Altogether, it's a conglomerate from different cultures resp. their influences, poured out by the artists.

You're right the variety is great. Public art can be tricky, especially when you bring religion and politics into the mix. I don't think anyone would be offended by God handing a beer to man, but it is a tiny bit controversial.

I would like to see actually a painting of mine on such a huge display.

That sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe you can start small. All you need is some spray-paint and a ski mask to do some graffiti art. 😄

Public art can be tricky, especially when you bring religion and politics into the mix. I don't think anyone would be offended by God handing a beer to man, but it is a tiny bit controversial.

Agreed. It though really depends on the mood of the one who happens to meet the art. If I feel all lonely or nasty inside, I may be appalled by some art crossing my way. It might then mock me. At another time, it might smile at me. So, that's the thing with open and huge displays. They don't ask if you are ready for them, they are right in your face.

My idea about my own art: just a spark of a wish. I am not a sprayer :)

Oh what lovely street art, I think we should decorate the cities!

It looks fun to have so many murals close to each other. It makes the city lively. :)

Which one was your favorite?

They each have very unique qualities, so it's hard to choose. The last one with the sleeping faces speaks to my artsy psychedelic spirit. The ridiculous Guinness God mural tickles my funny bone. But I have to admit I'm smitten with the devil up there. Impressive skill and great technique. Also, I can only imagine the process that went into approving this mural. Members of the city government had to give the go-ahead, and when they looked at it, they thought, yup, a badass devil who looks like he's tripping on meth is a great idea. Let's do it! 😈


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