Persian (Elven) Lady πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸ¦

in Alien Art Hive β€’ 2 months ago (edited)

Hello there!
I hope you are Ok this Thursday 11 of April, today I want to show you my latest artwork, It was inspired in the beautiful women form the Iranian Plateau. Although I ended up converting her into an pointy eared Elf, while I was drawing the sketch I drew a line by mistake that made it look like she has Elf ears...

For the shirt I wanted her to wear something that looked somewhat from a bygone era but not actually Medieval per se, so I found this on Pinterest.

click for source

It was a nice inspiration for what wanted to draw, you can watch the creation process video bellow the technical info, I greatly recommend it :)

Technical Info:
Created with Clip Studio Paint
A4 Canvas

Creation Process Video

Initial Sketch

Click to see in full size

Line Art

Click to see in full size

Flat Colours

Click to see in full size

Final Art

Click to see in full size

Creative Commons
- @melooo182


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From the angle my brain latched onto "elf taking a selfie" and now is trying to do all sorts of clever shenanigans wordplay with it but failing because it's too early in the morning XD

It's a S-Elfie πŸ₯

Wow the end result is so amazing.
the elf ear mistake even gave the result another touch. : )

Thanks @luhari βœ¨πŸ™Œ


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@luhari(4/5) tipped @melooo182