TAAANK | Pen Drawing

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago



-TAAANK, Jan 2024-

Watch out TAAANK!, this is an absorption of what is happening in this world against wars everywhere, I am sick of hearing news on TV and even online media all talking about war. so, through this work I want to convey that war is annihilation.

But actually I realize that warfare is a process of mankind, without warfare perhaps mankind would not have reached this stage but what needs to be remembered is that we continue to evolve and thoughts and instincts must also evolve, war is like animal behavior that has no sense of ethics.

Some humans might argue that if reducing the population can heal the earth, then why don't you just disappear!

Done on a5 paper using a drawing pen, here are the steps :

IMG_0001.jpgsketching with B pencil

IMG.jpglining using drawing pen 0.03

IMG_0001.jpginking using 0.05 and 0.1

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my post🕶


This art style is so cool!! Love your stuff

thank you! and thanks for stopping by :)

Fuck the war and fuck who makes, supports and talks about war!!
Politicians must disappear as well as all the retarded military forces!

!discovery 50

The politicians and the State and the Upper class like to shackle others, they must disappear, but that's just an imaginary utopia, we must rise up and fight back even if it's just from weird artwork...😲✊

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