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RE: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - The Peacock Dragon

in Freewriters28 days ago

Thank you ! I must admit I haven't worked out the other crossbreeds or the other Gem dragons yet. I've done the metal to colour ones;
Brass to Blue – Cadmia
Bronze to Black – Carbonate
Copper to Green – Verdigris
Gold to Red – Rust
Silver to White – Sulphide

I've run one Dungeons & Dragons game with one in, it was great fun and a thoroughly nasty shock for the characters 😀


Oooohhh... For some reasons, I can imagine what most of them would look like. It's amazing how you could come up with these... 😎✨

I'm not familiar with the game... I've only heard about it from Stranger Things... 😅😁