13 April 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2341: consumer of blood

in Freewriters2 months ago

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


“Oh, this is bad, y'all,” said days-from-18-year-old Vanna Trent to her siblings and little cousin Vertran about the live feed their bigger cousin Tom Stepforth III was sending them. “Those folks look like they are listening to Col. Lee on their front end while a whole gang of vampires are working on their back ends – I mean, they have no color left in them.”

“The Angel of Death as the Consumer of Blood – well, it makes sense, though,” said 21-year-old Melvin Trent, Vanna's elder brother, “because you know these people's lifeblood is their money, so when he said that part about they are going to need to get $46 million over to the Lofton Trust by Monday, they just started bleeding out.”

“You're about to get these people turned transparent, because that's not what he said,” Vanna said. “He said forty-six million, seven hundred eighty-six thousand, two hundred forty-six dollars and seventy-two cents, delivered in seventy-two hours or face the prospect of going to court to face treble damages.”

“I'm trying to figure out how much water it's going to take to blend up $46 million to get it to where tey can get into their blood vessels, because they need a transfusion, bad!” nine-year-old Milton Trent said.

“They better get their hand mixers and get over to the county swimming pool and get started!” eleven-year-old Velma Trent said. “They only have 72 hours!”

“Ain't it the truth,” eight-year-old Gracie said. “And knowing them, they won't even remember they need to put the coins in at the end so they don't break the blender!”

“Yep,” Milton and Velma said together.

“It's like Pop-Pop alwys says: money is like water,” nine-year-old cousin Vertran said. “If you build your career, business, and investments right, money will flow in and stay where you put it, but when you start messing up, you're going to start springing leaks, and sooner or later, that money's gonna come up out of where you put it.”

“Just look at the level of ownage the colonel has on them right now – he has snatched their souls and their blood and is taking all their money – they have done more than spring a leak!” Velma said.

“Yeah – they've broken a water main three times, and now all the money is running out, too!” Vanna said.

“Oh, it's going to be so much worse than that,” Melvin said, “because Tom and therefore the Lofton County Free Voice have the scoop, and you know the Free Voice is going to pull all the records of how this company got the contract solely because the county didn't want anybody who didn't look like the victims here of some blood-feast by a gang of vampires to have the contract, right?”

“Oh, no!” Vanna said. “Lofton County needs to pick a struggle – be prejudiced or sloppily stupid, but not both!”

“I don't know about that, Vanna,” Velma said. “In the end, those two are just about the same thing.”

“Ain't it the truth,” Gracie, Milton, and Vertran said together.



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I received straight Ds in all my biology classes in college
I guess I’m bio-D-grade-able

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