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RE: Day 1349: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: good bye

in Freewriters3 years ago

It was for the best. They couldn't decide, so I made the decision for them. We will go our separate ways. Maybe it will feel like I am a cold person to them. After all, we've been through so much together. So many happy moments. Burdens. There were plenty of times when each other was everything we had. Yet, I still choose to part.

Choosing this path wasn't easy. It isn't comfortable or better in the short term. But it's necessary for our individual growth. How strong can I get when I rely on them every time? How free can I be when they always need me? A journey alone will get me started in life. Eventually, my sanity suffices. That's when I can go back to them. Not a minute sooner.

What if I stayed? Wouldn't it be a good alternative? I don't think so. Anxiety had started building up. Sometimes, the best choice is still not a good one, but I must be brave enough.