Lie to Me | A 5-Minute FreeWrite

in Freewriters9 months ago


Lie to Me

Tell me this will end soon. Tell me I won't grow up wandering around with my grandma eating from the garbage all the time.

Tell me I will go to school some day, have a birthday party, wear a pretty dress, travel to better places.

Tell me a white lie, one that can wash the darkness and the stench of the streets.

Lie to me like anyone else lies in the streets when they tell you they just want to give you a cookie or a comfortable place to sleep.

Tell me there are more good than bad people in the world; tell me I did nothing to deserve this; tell me a pretty story and give me a good-night kiss.

Thanks for your reading

This was my entry to @mariannewest,, and @latino.romano’s 5-Minute Daily Freewrite: Thursday Prompt: LIE TO ME. You can see the details here

Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!

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