Bombshell Approval [Fiction]

in Freewriters24 days ago (edited)

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Everyone is smiling—my dear, cool-headed Dad, my fiancé, Jeremy, my sweet grandmother in her favourite armchair and my younger brother, Owen, who's grinning from ear to ear like he's in on some secret and bursting to share it. Of course, I know what he's up to. Like everyone in this room, we're dreading the arrival of one more person whose word carries the most weight in my family.

My heart pounds so hard in my chest I fear Jeremy can hear it. He smiles and pats the back of my hand interlocked with his. “It's going to be okay,” he mouths and turns his attention to my Dad who is going on and on about his favourite football club and players.

Owen winks at me and grins again. I narrow my eyes, promising him grievous bodily harm once the visit is over. That is, Jeremy and I can breathe easier once my mother, the matriarch of the family, approves of our engagement.

“Activate the bomb,” Owen whispers to me and my heart stops. That's our code for whenever Mom comes into a room. Jeremy stands and smile, looking so handsome that I'm convinced my mother will give her consent. “Hello, Mrs Jefferson.”

Mom gives him a once-over, nods and goes to sit beside Dad. I can't believe my eyes. We are wealthy and highly placed in the society and my parents brought us up to treat everyone equally. And right now, she's being a snob! “Mom?”

She doesn't look my way nor acknowledge me. “Mr Evans, it's a nice surprise to see you here.”

Jeremy is a little flustered by her stern look and cold smile, same demeanour she maintains when closing deals at the family company. “Please, call me Jeremy,” he says.

“What brings you to our home?”

Jeremy glances at me and I nod, urging him to speak. I squeeze his hand and my mother's eyes catches that. I squirm, feeling as though I should hide my love and support for my fiancé. “I…Meredith and I are here to let you know that we are engaged.”

“Really,” she says, finally resting her eyes on me. I furrow my brows at her, questioning what she's up to.

“Yes, Mom. He proposed yesterday and I said yes.”

“And why have you come to tell us this?” She looks at Jeremy.

“Uh, to ask your permission to marry your daughter.”

“Should that not have come before the proposal?”

“Mom! This is not a court and we not in medieval times, for goodness sake,” I exclaim, glancing at Dad for a little support.

“Young lady, it's not about timing but about Jeremy respecting family traditions. Your father and I won't accept your engagement until you both do the proper thing,” she says with finality.

“Mom!” I'm on my feet just as she stands too and glances at her diamond wristwatch.

“Meredith, I have a meeting at the office and must be on my way.” She waves her hand like we are her subjects and she's a queen. Jeremy stands too. “Mrs Jefferson, may I visit you on the weekend to do this properly then? I love your daughter very much.”

I suck in a breath and almost want to kiss Jeremy right there and then. Mother stops and sighs. “Alright, Jeremy. We're hosting a formal family dinner on Sunday. Dress accordingly and come by 6.”

“Thank you, ma'am.”

Jeremy and I take deep breaths as she leaves the room. My mother is indeed a bomb waiting to be activated!

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I hope you enjoyed reading this short piece that I found floating around my head when I saw the Freewrite #dailyprompt word “activate the bomb”.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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