Enigmatic Faith [Fiction]

in Freewriters8 months ago

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Summer was winding up. The beach area was less crowded as many tourists had returned to their countries. Carl glanced at his wristwatch, shrugged and closed the surf shop.

John had taken three days off and that evening was the sixth day of his absence. Almost a week off. That was very unlike his partner and friend. They loved to surf and started the business together. John would never abandon the shop or him.

He drove to John's waterfront apartment, got to the front door and changed his mind. He went around the back. Let's see what the dude was up to, he thought.

He came to a sudden stop. John sat in a wicker chair. A table was set for two with dinner plates, cutlery, and wine glasses. A bottle of wine sat in a small, stainless steel ice bucket filled with ice cubes.

John appeared forlorn, his gaze fixed on the rippling lake surrounding his backyard. He was lost in thought.

"Dude." Carl gently touched his friend's shoulder. John gave a start and stood upright. "Hey, it's just me. What's going on, man?"

John sighed with relief and gave a faint smile. "She's beautiful…I've never met anyone like her befor—"

"Woah, woah. Hold it right there." Carl cut in and placed his hands on John's shoulders to establish eye contact. "Who are you talking about it?"

"I don't know how to explain this but she came to me, you know. I think she's a tourist."


"I gave her a ride from the beach. We talked and ended up here together."

"Was she the reason you asked for some days off?"

John nodded. "She is…," he paused, turned away from Carl and faced the water, "perfect."

Carl scoffed, not believing his ears. John was one of the most cynical people he knew due to harsh relationship experiences growing up. It was odd to hear him romanticise some woman he met just once.

"No, really. She is perfect," John said again. "The finest, softest blond hair, slender, her skin soft and glowy…she laughs a lot…I couldn't help laughing too. I've never laughed so much."

"Dude, I'm speechless here. Who is this person? And where is she now? I must meet her." Carl tried to play along.

John smiled and glanced back at the set table. "I don't think she's coming. I've waited all day."

Carl gazed at his friend for a long moment while he tried to remember where he dropped Semi Marley's card, the shrink recommended by his mother one time. John guessed what he was thinking.

"I'm not crazy. We were together the past five days until she dressed this morning and rushed out. She promised to be back."


John shook his head. "I miss her already but I'll wait…I'll wait for her." He faced the lake again and stared. Carl was at a loss for words. He stood with his friend in silence.


In a parallel realm, a beautiful blonde stood by the edge of the lake. She unzipped her dress, stepped out of it and jumped into the lake, screaming in delight. She found the hidden portal that led to another world.

The other world was beautiful and the man even more beautiful. She surfaced from the water with a gasp, her long hair splayed out on the surface like a white lotus flower.

She would visit him again after her swim. His laughs made her heart flutter.

As she swam….

John gazed out at the lake at that exact moment. The sun slowly setting as he smiled, reminiscing about the enigmatic woman he met exactly three years ago.

Her name was Faith.

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I hope you enjoyed reading my five-minute short story inspired by the daily Freewrite prompt "her name was faith".

Thank you for visiting my blog.


So practically the woman John is so fixated upon came from another realm? Or she accidentally probably because of her curiousity swam through the portal of another realm? I think I got lost there.

Pop in from #dreemport

Yes and yes! Faith came through a portal, meets John and they have a lovely time together. She leaves with a promise to be back so John waits...Faith takes a swim, reminiscing about the date but a few years passes in time on John's side of the world. Hehe. It's a time loop thing. Thanks so much for reading. !LUV 😊

@kemmyb sent you LUV 🙂 (1/4)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Oh now I understand.

Thanks for the clarification 🤗

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Eres muy buena escritora. Te animo a que si no has escrito libros lo hagas.

How nice! Thank you so much for the compliment. 🙂

Yay! 🤗
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