Not A Clerk - Zapfic50Monday

in Freewriters24 days ago

Hello friends and fellow zapficers, welcome to Zapfic50Monday! The prompt for this week is interesting such that after reading it, so many ideas popped up but I had to settle for this one. Hope you will enjoy it.

"How do you see working as a clerk for a change?", I asked Eliano.

"You're kidding right?", she asked.

"There's an opening at Dejons Group and the pay is go..."

"For pete's sake, Bel, I am a trained customer service representative not a clerk!", she cried out, cutting me short.

Thanks for reading...

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Still the #threadsaddict 😂


Lol, you are trying to play job match maker but it didn't work 😆

Yes now, was trying to help. 😂
