It Is Normal To Feel Lost Sometimes?

in Freewriters2 months ago

And don't you sometimes want to stand up, spit on everything and let yourself go into the unknown? Spit on the country you were born in, your job, your friends, or even your family? Spit on everything and leave to nowhere?

And doesn't it sometimes seem to you that everyone lives happily, in beautiful families where no one gets angry, respects each other's individuality, needs, wishes and dreams?

That everyone has found and is working jobs that provide freedom of expression, a stable routine, a calm or at least non-torturous flow?
That everyone feels fullness, love, compassion, support, knows the answers and is able to apply them effectively on their path...

Everyone but not you? Everyone, but not you, has the key to the door of a meaningful life. Everyone, but not you, wakes up in the morning full of energy and in the evening is still full of energy to create ideas for the new day...

This looks familiar to you? Emptiness, meaninglessness, confusion, negative ambiguity, non-existence? Everyone is walking, running, smiling, enjoying the little things, creating, searching and finding? Everyone seems to be on their sled, but not you?

And you have already tried hundreds of methods, practices, spent time in salvation countries and read a library of books that promise to lead you on the path of salvation. You seem to already know everything, but still nothing seems to make you feel good. It gets a little better, but then it's back to the same track again.

But have you ever considered that most of the people you see coming back from their dream vacations, who seem to be working the most meaningful jobs, living in the nicest homes, share the same field of problems as you? The same sense of meaninglessness.

Travel, recreation, even a hobby turned into a job, can eventually become a difficult or even unbearable suffering. We get used to everything very quickly, especially to the good things. After all, we get bored with almost everything very quickly and then the same emptiness hits us again.

What was a source of joy yesterday is today rusting, rotting in the garage or basement. What yesterday was ambition, passion, today it's an ordinary thing. Jobs, achievements, after which you think you will experience happiness, are usually sweet, followed by bitter self-deception. Perhaps everything you think others experience invariably is the same, never-ending river of bluffs.

A person is everywhere with his thoughts, wherever he travels, whatever he does. Wherever you are, your attitude goes with you, which means how you see the environment, the world, and how you feel in it.

Do you want your life would become easier? Start enjoying your life. Allow yourself to enjoy what is dear to you. I agree, it's normal to sometimes feel lost, to be disappointed, to get lost in solitude, in people... But it's really abnormal when we get lost, we continue to act as if everything is fine with us.

Is imitation reality? Is appeasing someone else's opinion helping yourself? Is fear respect?Maybe others will believe you, but you always know, will know, that you are lying. And one day this lie will destroy not only you, but also your entire falsified life.

I've been there myself. I measured the quality of my world by the worlds of others. I raised or lowered my value based on the achievements of others. And I didn't find it. I didn't find myself completely fictional anywhere. And then I simply gave up and drowned in the void.

Does this ever scared me? Not knowing what will happen tomorrow, in the future...? In fact, no one knows, and those who say they know, are simply lying to themselves and to others... And were you scared when you were a child, knowing nothing and being simply inexplicably free?


With love @madeirane
Photos are taken by me.
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