Pic1000- John And His Wife

in Freewriters20 days ago

picture generated by @wakeupkitty host of this contest

"John, the prices are not coming down no matter how much I try to cut off some groceries from the list,” Mary said, her voice tinged with frustration.

“How are we going to afford to survive with the high cost of foodstuffs? '' John replied,his hands placed on his head. Worry filled his face. "It's getting hard to make ends meet for us, my dear wife.”

There was heavy silence as they both stared at the flickering candles on the table, casting long shadows of the leftover groceries on the worn wooden table. The weight of their poverty is the cause of the heavy silence. The crackling of the fire in the hearth and the howling wind outside were the only sounds one could hear.

“I think I'll take up another job." John said, looking up to his wife, Mary. “We can't keep on surviving like this.”

“That's a nice idea. I'll also apply for a cleaner job at the factory downtown,” Mary added, trying to support her husband.

John stared at his wife and nearly let out tears. Gently, he clasped hands with his wife across the table, their fingers intertwined in a silent promise to weather the storm together. He knew he needed to do more to provide for his wife, but at the moment, he was grateful to have a supportive wife.


That's how a successful relationship can survive when two people work together to support each other. First understanding the issues they face and finding a solution that will work for both of them. John saw his wife as a blessing when she volunteered to work outside the home.

Thanks for sharing this lovely story. Nicely done. Take care.

Thank you for reading 😊

Both eat, both live and both care in a relationship. Let's hope two jobs are not too heavy and she'll be hired.

Let's hope 😊.