I Love You (A Freewrite)

in Freewriters2 months ago


I love you not because how people adore you but because that’s how I feel for you. I will love you like yesterday, for tomorrow and for today. I promise you that I will never ever get tired of loving you. These words may be redundant or often heard through many people or might be written in the books. You will believe me or not, as long as I express what I feel inside, for me this will be enough.

If you still distrust me or you are still confused how I told myself that I’ve been loving you already. Sorry but there’s no definite words or reasons how my love to you started. All I know is that one time when I first laid my eyes on you. Of course, you will think I’m just sugar coating these words of mine. Actually, it was not love at first sight, however, it was the time when I thought you’re adorable. You caught my heart already and that’s the first time I called you Beautiful.

You’re not just a pretty one but a beautiful one. From inside and outside, I thought you were amazing. That’s it then when my heart ignited and created a spark. I’m not saying a spark for the both of us but a spark of my life that began to be colorful. Your smile is like a sun that gives life to me. Your eyes are like the stars in the sky, it brightens my night time but at the same time guides me to keep moving forward. Obviously, you became my world that without you there is no life for me.

Oh please, don’t be pressured by these words. You are not obligated to accept my love if it will just be one-sided. You have no responsibility that needs to be fulfilled towards me. I’m confessing it to you now not because I want you to be mine desperately. I might've always been eager to hold you in my arms and be with you always. I won’t accept a love only because of pity. I want a love that is sincerely felt and most of all, not a fake one.

I can wait and maybe quite absurd if I’d say forever. Well, I’m sure it will be, from the very first time I saw myself being alone for the rest of life if it’s not you to be with as I get older. Yes, you can take your time after hearing my love confession towards you. I will be here, patiently waiting for your unbelievable answer, sweet “Yes.”

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161
