5 minute freewrite 2366 prompt sweet and sour

in Freewriterslast month

This is my post for #freewriters 2366 prompt sweet and sour hosted by @mariannewest

Every year the first day that school was out for the summer I had everything packed and ready for us to take the kids on an island in the river, we would camp for two weeks. This was primitive camping. We were lucky that we were fishermen so we could go to the fish house and get the ice and water that we needed. All but one of our kids looked forward to this each year, she was the oldest and did not like camping so she stayed with my mom.

I cooked every meal over a campfire, no charcoal, I would burn the wood down to coals and shovel them to one side where we put the grill over them, and off to the side I had more wood burning so I could keep adding coals under the grill. Food tastes much better cooked like this.

I took my oldest two grandkids several times and they loved it, so when the others were old enough I asked their mother if they could go with me and she said of course, it was her fondest childhood memory and she wanted her kids to experience it.

By now it was 2017 and kids did not want to be outside like they were in the 1980s and 1990s or early 2000s with the older grandkids. They whined about how hot it was and how they had no computers to play on, after day two one wanted to go home but I said no, he was staying. I thought this was going to end up being a sweet and sour trip, sweet for me and sour for him.

He was beginning to enjoy himself by day 4 and then a thunderstorm was developing. I thought oh no, he is really going to be mad and want to go home.

But now he was running around yelling a storm was coming, he was so excited, it made my heart feel better about telling him he had to stay, I am not sure what it was about that storm but he never said he wanted to go home again.

He had a friend with him and now he was enjoying fishing, climbing trees, hunting for fossils, and playing tag, he was doing things that kids did before there were computers and when they played outside. One day he was reeling in a trout, but he didn't have it on for long because a shark took it, so he had a great story to tell his mom and dad.

The trip might have started out being more sour than sweet but ended more sweet than sour.

photos are mine


This is a beautiful story. So heart-warming. I'm sure your grandkids will forever cherish the memories of their first camping.

Thank you @luchyl Yes, they did end up loving it and still talk about it.

What a wonderful story ... great job, Grandma!

Thank you, I have always loved taking kids camping.

I wish I could come along on one of your camping trips! It sounds like a lot of fun...and maybe a lot of work for you, but I can tell you don't mind it at all. I'm glad the boy settled into camp life and had a good time.

Yes it would be fun to have you come along.

I did not let him go home because I knew he would have fun if he could get over there being no internet, and he did.

It looks like you all are having fun. A family outing is nice. Did anyone catch fish by chance for a fish fry?

Thanks for sharing. You have a lovely family of which I know you are proud. Take care.

I am a commercial fisherman, so yes my grandchildren catch fish. A crabber friend even dropped these stone crab claws off for us to eat.

Those claws are huge. I can smell crab gumbo now. I know you all enjoyed the feast. Thanks for sharing.

you are welcome