5 minute freewrite 2369: Lollipop trainer and 2370 The old lodge

in Freewriterslast month

This is my post for #freewriters 2369: Lollipop trainer and 2370 The old lodge hosted by @mariannewest

She knew she was not the last to know the secret but she did not know who the next would be to know it. They were only told that one day someone would show up at the old lodge not knowing why they came, they would follow an urge telling them where to go and what to do. She knew her time was ending and she wondered when they would appear.
I sat on the dock staring at the mountain on the other side of the lake, I could not keep my eyes from staring at the top.
These words kept coming to me, she lives alone and is the only person to be called a lollipop trainer, she lives in the old lodge on top of the mountain. A boat is the only way to get there, and once to the other side of the lake, the trees will let you through.
I climbed in the boat and drove to the other side, once there, the trees seemed to have arms and legs that looked as if they could hold you in place or run from you.
I stood there staring at the tree roots when I heard these words coming from the top. If you are the one you will make your way through without being caught and held forever in place. If you are not you will die here. I felt it, I was the one.

I made my way through the roots and into the woods, feeling like I was being pulled toward something or someone. There was a wall made of stone, I did all of this for nothing. When I hear the words again, if you are the one, you will know, know what I thought as I touched the wall and fell through to the other side.

I landed in a field of flowers, flowers of all colors and sizes.

The words again, if you get through the wall you will see flowers, they say to start with the red ones because red will be your favorite color.
Collect all of the red bugs that cling to them, they will be the secret ingredient, now mix them with the red flowers.

Take the stem from a yellow mushroom and mix it with the bugs and red flowers. Next drop it in the center of an agave.

Water it well and leave for a month. You will see it change, as it grows it will become a lollipop plant, eat it.

Congratulations, you have just become the lollipop trainer. Why did I do this?
photos are mine



Thank you

What a magical story. Your writing is awesome. She followed directions perfectly and was rewarded by mixing the perfect lollipop. Sometimes we just do by instinct. Our gut feeling.

Thanks for sharing this story. A delightful read. Take care.

Thank you