Teach me how to live without you

in Freewriters15 days ago


Teach me how to live without you,
For I try and I can't.
The desire to love you grows intense,
Forgetting you is a dream I can't grant.
In milliseconds you return,
Flooding my mind with your image.
No matter how hard I try to tear you away,
You are an essential part of my being.
Sometimes I long to remove you from my life,
But when I try, my soul resists.
You are my most pressing need,
The sigh that wakes me up in the morning.
The pure caress of love is you,
That envelops me and gives me life.
I cannot be without your presence,
And I don't want an empty existence.
No matter how hard I try,
Leaving you is not an option.
You're engraved in my guts,
Forming part of my heart.
Teach me to live with you forever,
For without your love, my life is no life at all.
Let me love you till eternity,
You are my strength and my reason for being.