Enigma: A Poem Written in Response to the Freewriter's Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Contest

in Freewriters3 years ago



The weight of the world,
Of my existence,
Weighs upon me.
What do I see?
Do I see clearly?

Every step
Every move
Is a bend in the path
That carves my future.

What should I do?
Where should I go?
I inscribe my name
On the scroll of life.

There is no eraser
No backspace
I act on what my eyes tell me.
What do I see?
Do I see clearly?

Picture credit from Freewriters, which credits Pixabay

I wrote this in response to the Freewriters A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Contest.


Life is an enigma... No one knows tomorrow. We strive to make good decisions and in turn leave positive foot prints in the sands of time.

This is beautiful and thought-provoking! I'm glad you participated. Nicely done. 😊

Thank you very much :)