The Waterfall - suffering

The waterfall was the bridge, the only way between the lives of everyone I knew and the facility where I was left like a stray cat. Let's suffer the little mice was what those doctors thought. Their lives do not count as much as ours.



I sat at the top of the waterfall

And thought back at all those months I'd been locked up in the facility. What looked like a sanatorium turned out to be a laboratorium. My father had sold me because I survived each one of the viruses brought to our sultanate. I despised the man, I despised those who abused me and wanted me to kneel and say thank you. Thank you for not even 100$. I needed money as soon as possible. I had a plan in mind of what to do once I was settled.

Father you better beware! I am not done with you. Why did I call that white guy, father? He was a jerk and he would pay!

For a second I thought of my mother and wondered what became of her. Was she still alive? She was gone, my father turned out to be a fraud. Fraud, fraud was the only way to make 10 thousand or more out of those pathetic 100$.

I grinned. I had heard everyone talk about him. I knew the old man was a gambler, a gambler and a drunk. I would make him join the lottery, the one I set up for him. Winning the jackpot was a good moment to finish him. Alcohol, gambling and women were all the old man cared about. Sailors never change.

I continued my way. I knew the only way to be safe was to build myself a home far away from society, people who might recognize me. First I would build myself a hut underneath the trees and between the bushes. I wasn't afraid of snakes. Their poison couldn't harm me. The doctors had told me that I was untouchable. I believed them. They tested me long enough.
In the moonlight, I sat and stared into the fire which I had made of the dry wood I had found. It was for the first time in a long I felt good. I chewed on the young fern leaves I had found. I wouldn't run out of money as long as I stayed in the forest.
As I closed my eyes I saw the face of the boy who had smiled at me as I was on my way to the market. Would he still remember me after all those years?
Sleep tight, I said to myself.
Tomorrow is the first day of my new life. Soon I'll be rich. Karma is a bitch!


Prompt provided by @daily.prompt

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