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RE: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - The Peacock Dragon

in Freewriters β€’ last month

Melfass...what does he know. He sounds like an old fool to me. Dragons bring luck and this one is so special. Let's see if we can find one of the feathers. 😁

I love the 1000 words exactly I think you are the very first doing so. I only thought about it. πŸ˜‰

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Thanks ! Yeah, Melfass is pretty dodgy. He's one of my D&D characters, but Zithaka is one of my oldest NPC's and is smart enough to know that he'll have his own agenda. She's likely to want to do a lot more investigating before taking action..... but that'll be something for another post πŸ˜€

Thanks for the update. I hope to find more time to read and write. A great day to you.