When to Draw the Line

in Freewriterslast month

Draw every day

some say. I just read it on the internet and even in real life. I wonder is it easier to draw than to write? Should we all give drawing a chance even if it's a circle or line only? Is it necessary to learn how to draw before we can walk? I wonder.

Drawing reminds me of my children. One draws over 30 years later still for hours a day or night. It's neverending and so is the trail of drawings left behind. It helps, always helped, to express their feelings although she learned to write well even though books are not part of her existence. To some reading doesn't make them better writers. Just like drawing it's about practising, the more you do it the better you will be although to draw well you need vision next to creativity and the will to make a million sketches while ignoring the drawer line if it comes to what is acceptable to others.
What happened, she once asked, why is it you no longer draw a line? Children, I said, with children whatever we wish for is easily sacrificed even if it eats us.

I hoped my son would still draw today but he gave up on it for? Most likely homework, the never-ending studying. It would have helped him through the years of misery, a fake world he tries to survive in. Even at this time while he stays in a soaked tent in France, frustrated because of the team he has to guide and translate for.
As I spoke to him last night it felt as if he's drawing a line: If they continue like this I will take care they will be disqualified. I heard him and couldn't help laughing. Not about what he said but seeing him in a tiny tent with his feet sticking outside. It reminds me of me and my friend. We had a lot of rain last year and stayed in a tiny tent as well during a thunderstorm but had fun.


The tent... The old-fashioned one reminds me of a drawing a child once made and left on my pillow. It was a simple drawing with a clear message: I am sad.

For prompts see @daily.prompt or here: https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@daily.prompt/20-may-2024-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2378-draw-every-day