Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 8

in Freewriters19 days ago (edited)

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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 8

Dear Reader, Do you expect the unexpected?

Are you open to surprises that will warp your worldview?

At a certain age we think we know everything, and every following year we start to realize more and more that we know nothing.

Are you ready to accept that maybe you know nothing?

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Okay, I admit, that came as a shock, not that it affects my honor to be addressed by a lady of pleasure and light morals but to follow her without knowing her.

I hesitate for a moment, but the bartender's words are decisive, if both men had taken this young woman into their hearts, I could at least grant her this peculiar request.

I follow her through a few narrow streets and then up a flight of stairs to an upstairs house. Well, a house, not much more than a spacious room. Not even as big as my barracks back home.

I close the door behind me, turn around to ask her what she can say here that she couldn't say outside. But before I even turn around;

Your mind makes love

Your soul belongs to me

He who didn't like you

Own what I don't

As if I were immersed in an ice bath, I felt so cold and all the hairs on my body stood up; these were the last lines of what I wrote to Kyra the night before she died.

No one else but her knew those words.

When my limbs defrost a little I take a step closer and look into the dark depths of her eyes. I see a tear floating on her eyelid and very gently the corner of her right mouth pulls up. A tear and a laugh, and still I didn't know what I was doing here. How did Lilith know those words?

Her voice falters; "Martio, the fire that consumed me is not like the fire you ignited in me. All those days, all those nights, I tried to preserve my honor and when I died with you so close to me, I only had one wish."

"While the flames consumed me, I expressed that wish. The wish to one day be able to lie down with you without breaking my honor. Nights when I did not sleep and dreamed of being in your arms did not come true. My flesh will never share your parts with me, because it belonged to him."

"But this night, I may borrow this body, to sleep in your arms for a single night. A night in which you may love my temporary flesh as you would have loved me. Whether it is heavenly justice I dare not say. Apparently, the gods thought we deserved some kind of reward."

The cold slowly leaves my bones; "Ky....ra," I stammer. She laughs, not like before, but through Lilith's face it is her smile.
"But this woman?"
"I can't have her...even if you are...I can't it's her..."

My mind feels like it´s torn apart, I recognize her and all the wanting I ever felt is back. But this is not right. This girl is the niece of my old friend.

At least her body is, but she gives it away for almost nothing, and Kyra. My Kyra, the one I never had, never expected to ever hold.

"Are you really here, because if you are who am I to doubt this? If you came from the beyond, if the Gods gave us this, who am I to turn it down?"

The longer I look at the eyes and the face the more distorted the view becomes, there is more Kyra with every heartbeat.


"It is me, and we are given this night and this night only."

“Stand up and feel the bottom of your saddlebags,” she smiles a devilish smile.

I walk back to the bags that I just dropped out of sheer shock. I pick them up and feel the bottom. I expected to feel the perfect tight fit from the high-quality bags that came with the royal horse I was given.

Instead, I feel a series of bulges. Upon closer inspection, I see that the edge of the lining is folded and at the end a gap is visible.
With my thumb, I try to push the series of curves towards the opening till something falls to the floor, a small black ball rolls towards Kyra, ehh Lilith. When I pick it up I feel its surprising weight, and I take it into the light to have a better look.

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Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

The Closure A Personal Story With A Soundtrack:
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 1
Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

The Closure - Greatest Hits For A Never-Ending Story:
Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"

The Closure - Alice in ArtWorkLand:
ALICE In AI ArtWorkLand - A Crazy Man´s Revelations

[Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)