
in Blockchain Poets3 years ago


Sitting at peace for a moment I feel it
And then the door opens and life rushes in
I remember again the pain that she feels
the confusion of failure against expectations
the realisation that hope doesn't matter,
Sometimes life doesn't play out the way we expect it
There's no bells and whistles, just time to regret
It's just how it is and will always be.
Contentment's elusive, it's so hard to see
Let alone catch, and hold
for a time.
For a time we can hope but never rely on
when things are at peace and life cracks a smile
on the faces of all who we cherish - and don't
For don't forget people we never have met
deserve happiness too, their needs should be met
and their wishes.

And their wishes: just like our own
live happy, in peace
live happy, content.

For happiness falters
unless we together, come all together:
Together well met.


Utter, utter, utter, utter(!) thanks to @ryivhnn for the awesome Wombats in my footer!

May all beings be happy!


Very nice poem, I love your message of union, I was very interested in this part:

Sometimes life doesn't play out the way we expect it
There's no bells and whistles, just time to regret
It's just how it is and will always be.
Contentment's elusive, it's so hard to see
Let alone catch, and hold
for a time.

Hugs ☺

Thanks! 🙂

Yay! 🤗
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I liked the way the use of "sometimes" and "for a time" at the end of one line and beginning of the next created an interesting mental pause while I was reading. Normally I would think of structure or punctuation as being the main way to do that, but the words themselves also contribute.

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. For me, I try to find (and disrupt) a rhythm - it’s hard to explain, isn’t it!

I like the picture you painted, especially this one;

Contentment's elusive, it's so hard to see
Let alone catch, and hold
for a time.

I never really saw contentment this way. We forget how difficult and elusive it can be, like you rightly put.

This was a good read.

Wow, thanks for that. I really appreciate your comment 🙏

For a time we can hope but never rely on
when things are at peace and life cracks a smile
on the faces of all who we cherish - and don't
For don't forget people we never have met
deserve happiness too, their needs should be met

Some very accurate words. Especially the last two mentioned lines here. Just beautiful. It is very true that contentment just doesn't make a visit. It takes time and investment for sure.

Thanks 🙏

Great structure. Evocative imagery. Makes a person stop and think, and that’s always the best kind of poetry.

Wise words. Greetings and success