Mopping Mantras and Motherhood Musings

in Blockchain Poets4 months ago

The faucet runs so hot that steam rises up from the sink
bubbles build under the pressure of the water, rising
The scent of pine floats up from the red bucket
perched, paused, prepped

The mop head is too old, objectively
It works just as well
worn or recently unwrapped, intentionally
Motion is the magic of cleanliness

Yeah, I can untangle my brain with elbow grease
Make a room feel like it can speak
Warm welcome; peace

I work my stress out from the corner
Slow sweeping strokes against the original wood floors
marking out covered ground in the darkened shade
Like I'm painting myself some headspace

I gather my negative considerations like greywater in the bucket
mopping up melancholy and spreading out sanity
I thank the grime that signifies that there's life in this home
I'm it's guardian, and tomorrow my children will replenish it

When I pour the bucket back into the sink that filled it
I embrace the cycle of such things
Where the messes end, the next adventure begins

Photo by Oliver Hale

I think I meant to write this poem for the prompt joy... Then I thought, well it fits well for tranquility, so I'll post it for that one... Don't you know, I missed the deadline for both haha!

Lately I've been trying to focus in on my gratitude for the little things more. Even the not so fun little things... I never really  want to mop the floor... but once I do, I feel so much tranquility and joy.

It is nice to have things to take care of. It is a blessing to have clean water on tap. It's beautiful that my life is peaceful enough that I can think of such things as mopping the floor.

Lately I keep telling myself, "The problems I have are a blessing". It helps me to avoid taking myself too seriously, slipping into a negative mood that will only make the day worse.

This photo is my own.

Not to tmi, but my son has needed an unusual amount of diapers this week. One day, I'd changed him at least 3 times in an hour, and was trying to accomplish something, when I realized I needed to change him again. I felt frustrated for a moment, the stop and go of motherhood can drain me.

Then I thought, "Wow! What great abundance that my son is so healthy and strong that he can produce such an epic amount of dirty diapers!". Sure, I was trolling myself a bit, I find that helpful... I also meant it though. Perspective.

Animals at rest appear so much more tranquil than humans to me, and I think perhaps it is because they have the gift of acceptance. Their instinct guides the progression of life, and when there is a time and a place to rest, they do. They know the world in a way that transcends critical thinking.

Each experience I have every day is what it is, the only control I have is my reaction to it. I'll have to mop the floor either way, I might as well find relaxation in the process mindfully.

Some pickled onions I made

I've found a lot of this same feeling in preparing food recently. I'm a skilled cook, but I rarely make the time to have fun with that. Tapping into the part of me that actually enjoys culinary tasks is a form of self-care for me these days.

When I'm happy, you will find me in the kitchen, probably displaying some god-awful dance moves, likely singing in a goofy voice to match. I've learned that I can mimic this thing that naturally happens when I'm mentally thriving, and trick my brain into being positive with it.

As we slide into February, I'm doing my best to thank my tasks as they pop up. To find the brilliance in busywork and the radiance in responsibility.



@tipu curate

more later :)

Thank you very much! Excited to hear your thoughts when you're back 🤗


Purest kitchen poetry, as dirty and then clean as it can get !LOLZ

I love it! As I love llamas at rest and closeups of pickled onions :) As you've said, it's the little things in life that bring most joy.


Whats the nuttiest Band in the history of rock and roll
The Allmond Brothers.

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Hahaha the mental alchemy of the cleaning supply array 😂

Thanks for the thoughtful read, it always makes me smile to hear what ya think! 💚


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@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

great to tsee the whole reason for a poems existence, you've really given us an insight into where the words were coming from. And by taking such a mundane activity you drag us into your interior world and let us experience it with you.

nice work.

If you are going to be revisiting the poem I think there are literally a very few places where dropping a word or two, or swapping a phrase round, will tighten the line.

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement! I am always looking for ways to improve, and appreciate the feedback a lot! Would you mind giving me an example by chance? Poetry is something I've been re-exploring lately 😄

Sure. But remember, it's only my opinion, I'm no expert.

The faucet runs so hot that steam rises up from the sink

The faucet runs so hot steam rises from the sink

I gather my negative considerations like greywater in the bucket

Negative thoughts are collected like dirty water in the bucket

I'm not good on articulating the process, but can do a line-by-line if you're interested.

The two lines are a great help for me in seeing where you're coming from! Thank you for taking the time to do that 😄! Cutting words can be such a painful process for me !LOLZ

The first time I got a universal remote control I thought to myself
This changes everything.

Credit: marshmellowman
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Las imágenes son lo mejor, bellas y exactas para tu texto . Saludos

Thank you very much for your kind words 🤗

I loved the essence of this poem, you take the feelings you want to express by combining them with household chores, you turn them into a single, analogically very striking.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

I really appreciate hearing that you liked the analogies that tie all these things together in my heart. Thank you for the lovely comment! 💚

Then I thought, "Wow! What great abundance that my son is so healthy and strong that he can produce such an epic amount of dirty diapers!". Sure, I was trolling myself a bit, I find that helpful... I also meant it though. Perspective.

As a Nurse I can almost make a career of reading a patient's fortunes by their bowel movements.

Why was Pavlov's beard so soft?
Because he conditioned it.

Credit: reddit
@grindan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of kerrislravenhill

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AHAHAHAHAHAH 🤣 oh my goodness, you almost made me spit my coffee out! Thank you for the belly laugh 💚 !LUV !PIMP

Before that I worked in the Salmon fishing industry, over the years my nose has become blind to strong odors.

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Salmon fishing AND nursing? You're made of some tough stuff !LADY 😎 those are both badass jobs! My sinuses ache for you though hahahhaha 🤣 !LUV

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You must be killin' it out here!
@grindan just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @kerrislravenhill.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

We just have to be thankful for everything and have in mind that everything that happens to us is a blessing
This is a good attitude that you are imbibing
Kudos to you!

Amen to that! 😁 I appreciate your kind words, as always 💚🤗

I quite love the storyline of this poem

Thank you very much!


Thank you Ladies of Hive! 💕

 4 months ago  

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Thanks for the support you poem slanging cool kids! 😎💚


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